Which woman would you like to see as the President of the United States?

  1. well knock on wood I will have a daughter born at the end of this year, it would be cool if she became president. Not instantly of course.

  2. Judith Sheindlin, Lizzo, or Elizabeth Warren. Going to get a whole lot of no-nonsense fixes from them.

  3. Elle Woods, in Legally Blonde 3. Reese Witherspoon is old enough, she could *totally* do it.

  4. Putting aside a couple issues I have with her policies, I think Tulsi Gabbard would be amazing. She’s well spoken, understands implications of constitutionality and has actually served this country in the military and as a Congresswoman so she has a very unique perspective.

  5. I’d vote for Kristi Noem, Kim Reynolds, Nikki Haley, or any number of others, but it’s far more important that a candidate is qualified and shares my political views than what genitalia they possess (or the color of their skin, the size of their feet, or any other arbitrary physical characteristic).

  6. Nikki Haley, she’s my top pick for the office without any qualifiers like male/female

  7. Tulsi Gabbard, purely based on the fact that she doesn’t think we should be taking part in conflicts across the globe and the fact that she’s a moderate democrat

  8. Either Jo Jorgensen (voted for) or Tulsi Gabbard (should have been the Dem’s candidate)

  9. One who is qualified, understands the purpose and limitations of the office, and who agrees with me on as much policy as I can get.

    Same as any man.

  10. One voted in via her merit as a presidential candidate equivalent to the merit considered of any president prior to her.

    I don’t care whats in between her legs, can she run the country?

  11. AOC as president
    Katie Porter as Speaker of the House
    Stacey Abrams as Head of the Democratic National Committee

  12. I believe the first female President will likely be a conservative Republican. Being a liberal Democrat myself I don’t like that fact but I think that’s the only way a woman running for President can avoid the overwhelming misogyny of so much of this country.

  13. Tulsi Gabbard. I get why she’s very controversial, but honestly… REALLY tired of status quo Presidents.

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