I (20M) have been friends with a guy (19M) for about 18 months now, we met on a forum and connected as we go to the same uni. We chatted on the forum for a year during the COVID lockdown and then throughout last summer/autumn.

We finally met in person at the start of this year and I’ve met him in person twice now. He seemed a nice guy but noticeably very quiet. I don’t think he really knew what to say (he has anxiety) so we stuck to activities (gym, tried to learn how to play pool). After the 2nd meeting, we got into the busy part of the semester with uni so didn’t make plans to meet again for a while.

For a while after the semester finished, he was taking ages to respond to any messages, often a week or even longer. He has been returning my messages more in the last month but any time I try to ask if he’s available, he doesn’t really seem open to meeting up and seems to basically prefer doing his own thing. We’d tried to schedule something but then he flaked out fairly late on and then said he’d be going on vacation the following week so wouldn’t be around for a while.

At this point, I’m a little bit frustrated because I’m trying to make an effort to improve my social life but if we’ve gone 4 months without meeting up and he shows no inclination to meet up, is putting much more effort into this friendship worth my time? He still seems fairly engaged in text conversations (I’ve had past friends who blatantly weren’t interested when I texted them) so I’m not really sure why he is reluctant do do anything in person. I understand that he has anxiety and that can impact things so maybe I have to be more patient? I do genuinely want to make this friendship work.

**TLDR: Had an online friend from my uni who I’ve met a couple of times in person but despite texting often, isn’t really wanting to make plans or meet up, is it worth putting in effort to make the friendship work?**

  1. If he’s shy and introverted then he might just not like going out or hanging out period. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you, he’s just not very sociable. Believe it or not, you can be friends but not hang much in person. Let him ask you next.

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