Pretty much what the question asks. This is a question for people that are in relationships. For example: let’s say you go to the beach and you see a hot girl you find very attractive(or guy)and she’s in a string bikini—I’m not talking about just a quick little glance, I’m saying that she’s sitting on a beach towel near you all day so that you see her all day long and can’t stop looking at her and it starts to get you turned on. Obviously, you can’t make a move on her because you are in a relationship, but you can’t help being horny after you leave. Would you go home and initiate sex with your SO because thinking about this other girl or guy has you so turned on? Is this something that has ever happened to you or happens? Do you tell your SO?

Me personally, obviously I know when you are in a relationship, your SO is not dead and will still find others attractive. Heck, my husband and I even joke about it sometimes. For some reason, whenever we go out, we live a small town and I always end up seeing our local fire department somewhere so we’ll laugh about all the “sexy firefighters” following me. But I’ve never seen someone so attractive that it’s turned me on. I want to see if others have experienced this.

Disclaimer: And no, this is not a question that is personal. No, this hasn’t happened to me. This is just a general question. It’s mostly aimed towards men because they are more visual and I am trying to understand male sexuality a little better. But women are free to answer as well. I thought of this question after reading a similar question yesterday and it came to mind.

  1. Sure. Same with porn. Sometimes, we might get too used to having a partner around all the time. So any sexual stimulus (not specifically relevant to our partner) might remind us to make a move, when we have neglected to do that for a while.

    I’m sure anyone who isn’t completely asexual knows what this is like.

  2. No, I always want to have sex with my wife. Doesn’t matter if I saw attractive people or unattractive people all day.

  3. Nope. As a demi, I need emotional connection to feel anything sexual. I honestly don’t even see people out in public as attractive, because the underlying connection isn’t there. I could care less.

  4. Yep. It doesn’t happen so much with people we see in real life.

    I have a mad crush on Robert Redford, and have since I was young. My husband will text me “your boyfriend’s on NPR. Bring that energy home to me! 😜”

    He’s got mad love for Gillian Anderson and I’ve teased he can call me Scully if he wants to.

  5. Happens so much, especially at work. I’ve found that I’ve grown to have a very intense, almost uncontrollable urge to see a beautiful woman, and not get horny right away. Some days it’s very subtle, other days it keeps sex on my mind all day until I can actually reach an orgasm with my SO. I can’t tell if it’s a *over the top* sex drive, or maybe I am fantasizing about being with other women but not wanting to be unfaithful. It’s a very difficult thing to deal with at times.

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