I recently started seeing this guy casually, and it’s fair to say he is VERY good looking. I’d say I’m decently attractive myself (probably like an 8) but I still can’t help feeling as though he is sort of out of my league.

He shows me a lot of interest and we’ve gone on some fun dates. He has told me multiple times how attractive he finds me both physically and personality-wise. In fact we met at a club and it was him who approached me.

Nothing physical has happened yet, but it’s probably gonna head in that direction soon.

Any words of advice to help me get out of my head and enjoy this experience rather than feeling as though I’m not good enough? Especially when things get more physical.

  1. Focus on something else. Find another thing to worry about. Like your career for example.

  2. I was in your shoes in the past. There was this incredibly good looking guy, steaming hot fit body, extremely handsome face and a jawline that cuts cake, he was also really sweet and would give me lovely compliments and respond to my texts fast, but I decided to block him because I was feeling like I was below his league due to past mistreatments from men that I allowed to affect my self esteem.

    After healing from past mistreatments from men and regaining my faith in myself, realizing I’m actually beautiful and that the way those guys treated me spoke of their character not mine, I now live my life in regret for messing up my chances with that guy.

    Look, sometimes we are our own worst critics. You might be hotter than you think and underestimating your own looks. Don’t mess up your chance because of insecurity. Since he’s going out with you it means you are indeed attractive to him. No one is forcing him to date you instead of other women that you view as prettier than you.

  3. I feel like there’s no such thing as “out of your/my league”. Maybe I think too highly of myself.

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