What are some tale tale signs your dating a narcissist?

  1. when you have to ask on Reddit whether your partner is a narcissist or not, I like to believe they’re a narcissist

    But to what degree? Narcissism exists on a spectrum

  2. You are never a priority. Your happiness is never a propriety. You push your needs completely to the side so you only deal with theirs because they don’t want to deal with your needs at all. Everything is about them but also it’s never “their fault”. Psych2Go is a good YouTube channel that has videos answering this question better too.

  3. He can do no wrong.

    When he hurts you and you get upset with him, he only sees that you’re upset with him and becomes the victim because you’re upset with him

  4. This is honestly something you should look into properly rather than asking on Reddit, there is loads of information out there.

  5. He does nothing wrong. He flips all his bad behavior on you. He never apologizes. He doesn’t accept no accountability. He tell you every thing is your fault to do as he say and not as he does… he tells you to shut up and suck it up. He’s unemotionally unavailable while expecting you to coddle his feelings and you’re not suppose to have any feelings. The devil gave birth to him.

  6. If the 2 of you are alone and he says. ‘i want to make love, Can you please leave the room

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