So my (34m) question is for guys who’ve had one a little later in life. What was the recovery like, how was your sex life after you were circumcised. Appreciate any info on this

  1. Had mine done at 29 years old. First thing, the dawn horn is a pretty horrible experience.

    Other than that, keep things clean, follow the Doc’s advice and take it easy for a week or so.

    Sex life didn’t really change tbh, you adapt to the new feelings and after a month I didn’t notice any difference.

  2. As to be expected bit sore for a while immediately afterwards but once that’s past it feels fine. Less maintenance and much more comfortable than having a tight / problematic foreskin

  3. Didn’t think circumcision was a thing in the UK. Unless for religious reasons but it’s still butchery nobody gonna touch mine

  4. I’m nine months out. The first few days are rough. Make sure you change the dressing regularly and use a gauze that doesn’t stick. Contrary to what you might want to do – wear tight underwear. You want everything held in place, having it move around is no fun. The scabbing and swelling went after about a fortnight, I was having sex (cautiously) within three weeks. It still doesn’t quite feel “normal”, and you might have to re-learn how to pee standing up.

  5. Had it done because of a tight foreskin when I was 16 – it was very sore for a couple of days, after which it was very uncomfortable having the glans exposed, but that does fade – I think I spent about a week sitting around naked, playing on the playstation, so not all bad. I would second the suggestion to wear tight underwear for a bit, but with some non-stick gauze. On the plus side, at 34 , you’re less likely to have to deal with random erections, but even at 16, it didn’t really happen for me for a while. I think I had sex post-cut for the first time about a month after (very, very carefully), and it was fine – I’d lost my V-card before it was done, so nice to have a point of comparison. There is a slight loss of sensitivity, which I suppose is inevitable, but I’d put it at around 10%, and it’s never caused any problems, and is definitely easier to keep clean.

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