Looking for advice on moving in together. Tell me a story, your experience, food for thought, anything!

My partner and I are both 24 years old and have been dating for about 10 months. Because of roommates, leases, and landlords, we’re both conveniently looking to leave our current living situations in the next months. Our relationship so far has been absolutely amazing, (great communication and respect, we both say this is the best relationship we’ve each had!) and we’re so excited about the thought of living together.

I have a natural amount of relationship anxiety (it’s a real thing, look it up!), and a small voice in the back of my head worries if 10/12 months into the relationship is too soon to be moving in together. So I’d like to hear your thoughts, stories, advice, tips, anything about moving in with your partner! What do you think?

  1. Others can say 10 months could be too short but the only person that knows the answer is you. Just make sure that you get a short term contract if possible and have enough money set aside for exit plan just to be safe. Moving in together too soon can be the ultimate relationship killer as you find out all the other stuff you didn’t know about your partner.

  2. You never really know someone until you live with them. I say go for it and see how it goes!!!

  3. Feeling this, considering getting an apartment with my partner of 7 months. Seems way too soon but I insisted, quite excited. If you end up going with it, hope it goes well!

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