It’s a weird problem but hear me out. Whenever I am in a group setting everyone would be too nice to me which they aren’t to other people in the group. They would tease other people and get mocked in return but nothing of that sorts with me.

This is also not a particular friend group thing. This has happened to me in my previous friend groups of two different schools, college and neighbourhood. Although I believe they like and value my friendship very much the lack of teasing makes me feel like an outsider.

One reason I could think of for this situation might be that I am too nice as well. I don’t insult or make bad observations about anyone even as a joke. Should I start to do that? I have noticed people take my jibes less as a joke and more as a helpful suggestion or get sad.

  1. If it’s not you don’t make it you. Allot of the time, people that end up forcing a personality that is not theirs, end up saying things they wouldn’t normally say and offend people.

  2. Hey same! I don’t tease people and people don’t tease me. It’s just not my personality and I’m kinda glad other people respect that because tbh when people tease me I don’t know how to respond

  3. So….I’m a huge tease(r). With my friends, in relationships, with family! But I can typically “read the room” and know who I can be like that with and who it just isn’t a good fit to do it with – namely because that person may come across ad very shy or quiet, even if they give me an ultra introverted or sensitive vibe…then I just won’t go there with them. It isn’t personal, it is just me reading their vibe…

    That’s prob why people don’t tease you

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