What up Reddit , thanks for reading if you do. I’ll just get into it, moved back home from out west about a month ago and stopped at my longtime friends house for the night to continue the rest in morning. Morning came and her roommates were up when I woke up ( around noon didn’t get in til late ) but immediately started shouting the shit with them and then one of them specifically, nothing deep just talking about hiking and national parks etc… thought it was cool she’s into that because I am as well but didn’t think that deeply on it. The last few weeks have gone by and haven’t been back there yet since starting work and life around home being life, but last week she followed me on Instagram, cool but then today saw she added my Snapchat which is also pretty normal except for since being at the house we haven’t spoken. Mind has also been thinking about how a relationship with her would subtly be really fun because of similar interests / very fun person I already have fun with when around. But I would hate to even make it a little awkward and I guess “capitalize” and totally misread the vibes and not be able to go to my friends house on the chiller vibes I already do. I feel like she might feel some feels because all the adding on social medias for never really talking but also haven’t talked to any girls since my last and first relationship . Cheers

1 comment
  1. If you follow her on insta or snap comment on her stories that way she gets a private chat and take it from there. She could just think you’re a cool person or have a thing for you. If she doesn’t post often put something on your story about hiking and hope she comments.

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