So I have a boyfriend who we’ll call Kevin and a friend we’ll call Amiyah. Kevin asked me for Amiyah’s instagram because he wanted to ask her stuff about me. I was a bit hesitant because Amiyah has a history of liking guys just from looking ir talking to them for two seconds but reluctantly I gave it to him. They’ve been talking since last night. He has talked much to me but she says he’s been talking to her for a while. Amiyah just told me that she’s sorry but she likes my boyfriend. I’m pissed rn but idk what to do. I need advice.

Edit: I was telling my cousin who us my closest friend about this and accidentally texted amiyah saying she likes my boyfriend 🤦🏾‍♀️, and she put two and two together and said “I don’t like your boyfriend”. Idk anymore. Boyfriend isn’t answering his phone

  1. How old are you all and how long have you been together?

    Off the bat, it’s odd that he made that request, when he could and should have asked you. Either way, we’re talking about a literal day here. Are you all 15? Because this is sort of absurd?

  2. Ditch the friend and the boyfriend. There’s no reason he would need to message her, and if it’s so innocent he wouldn’t mind you reading it. If your friend was a friend, she wouldn’t entertain him or tell you about her feelings for him. She’d let it go, and try to get over it.

  3. Your friend has no respect for you or your relationships if she keeps liking the guys you like. She chooses temptation over respect. If she actually cared about you she wouldn’t keep texting him.

    Shit friend, get rid.

  4. I think he used this as an excuse to talk with her. They are both untrustworthy. Make the first move to dump them.
    You are young and other boys will be more truthful and open with their intentions

  5. Your BF and Friend are being cheap if ya ask me. Don’t bother with the likes of them. They will cause you drama stress and tons of anxiety. Sorry this is happening but there is NO reason he needs her IG and has to talk to her about you when you are right there ready to talk to him. RED FLAG

  6. Tell her “sucks” because it violates the girl code, even if they date after you break up. She can choose to either keep pining after him or being your friend but she cant have both.

  7. Let Kevin have Amiyah. You do not need to be with someone who’d rather ask a childhood friend questions about you, rather than asking you himself.

    In about a month Amiyah will call you and tell you Kevin asked for her other friends insta and it’ll be a whole cycle. Do yourself a favor and keep yourself out of the loop.

  8. Went through this a couple of times during my teens (32 yo now). It never ends well, best to just move on from both of them and avoid the drama.

  9. I don’t think this is a good friend to keep around and I strongly advise you to drop her butt and tell bf you’re not comfortable with how long they’ve been chatting and tell him what she said. If he respects you he will end that if not you can drop his butt too

  10. knowing her history why are you still friends with her? Also your bf “needing” her insta is really suspicious.

  11. Drop the guy and the friend. You’re too young for this stress, it shouldn’t be this stressful I promise you that. And you WILL find a man who you will feel on top of the world with and better friends.

  12. please drop them both. both are insane backstabbers. also tell both of ur parents what happened

  13. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Teen years can be tough and it can be so hard to determine who’s being a good friend and who isn’t. It sounds like Amiyah is jealous of you and is looking for any guy to make her feel good about herself. The fact that she is now telling you she likes your boyfriend is a huge red flag and means she isn’t a good friend at all. I noticed you’ve said you are keeping distant with her – I think you should honestly keep that up and eventually drop her as a friend. Your parents can’t decide who you can and can’t be friends with , that’s 100% your decision. If your boyfriend won’t tell you what they talked about it, then it’s time to dump him and find someone better (or be by yourself for a bit, that’s cool too). Him even calling her these things is weird and immature in itself. No respectful S/O would say this about your friends, especially not to your face. Yes, there is that possibility that he does genuinely want to find out more about you so he can surprise you, but why doesn’t he just ask you himself?


    It’s up to you what you put up with but neither of these people sound great. Best of luck!

  14. The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. I’d distance from them both or ask them exactly what is happening.

    Horrible that your friend would tell you she “likes” your boyfriend, and would make her a super crap friend to act on that

  15. Dump both. If she’s always going after your boyfriends she’s not your friend. If he’s talking to your friends he’s not your boyfriend.

  16. Slap that bitch, tell her to get her priorities sorted or she’s never gonna maintain decent friendships and relationships with people. And she better stay away from your boyfriend because it sucks to fancy someone that’s taken, but that’s it they’re taken they have feelings for someone else don’t be trying to get in the way and have ya own agenda. Hate girls like this, why? Why you like this? Just why?

  17. Sorry but your boyfriend is probably cheating. Can’t think of any reason why he would need her instagram to “talk” to her. Weird how she states they’ve been talking for a while and out of nowhere she suddenly likes him. Don’t understand how you ever felt comfortable with that in the first place lmao. They’re not even hiding it either lmao. Tf kinda “friend” do you have?

  18. Cut off the “friend” and dump the boyfriend. You’re a teen. Go find someone that actually likes you and will treat you right.

    Don’t deal with people that like drama.

  19. Chalk this up to experience. Don’t hang with girls you know will try to steal your guy. This isn’t the end of the world though, you’re very young and will have lots more time to find the right guy and make good and loyal friends.

  20. 🚩🚩🚩If you two have been dating a month this is more drama than a month-long relationship should have. You should still be in the honeymoon phase. Lucky that your friend showed you what kind of person she is right now rather than years down the line and you’re in a serious relationship. If he’s a really good guy you would not be questioning it because you would have a solid foundation of trust. I say because you have to even question it and the fact that you don’t trust him or her, it’s not worth the effort. If I have to ask my significant other to see their phone because I don’t trust them or if I even want to because I don’t trust them, I shouldn’t be with them. That means that they are not trustworthy. You will always be at your best in a relationship when you feel valued, appreciated, and there is a solid foundation of trust.

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