Went out downtown last night with a couple of buddies and (m21) I was ambushed by some girl who said hi and held onto my arm. I immediately said I don’t have any cash as I thought she may have been a prostitute. It turns out it was one of my buddies friends they invited and they wanted us to see if we were compatible with each other. She was very embarrassed from it and would barely look at me the entire night. I want to apologize to her.

  1. If you ever run into her again, just quietly pull her aside and apologize. Everyone says dumb shit. Even her.

  2. While incredibly embarrassing you didn’t do it intentionally. Your response was truthful when you thought she was one. Your response if you had been correct wasn’t rude.

  3. I mean. She approached you somewhat awkwardly. Not a great first impression for the both of you. Besides just saying sorry there’s nothing you can do

  4. And your friends didn’t think to mention this to you ahead of time? Did they think you wouldn’t come if they’d tried to set you up with someone?

  5. I’m sorry but this made me crack the fuck up. I hope you marry her one day and she’ll have a nice story to tell your kids.

  6. I feel like I shouldn’t have laughed as much as I did reading this and imagining it. 😩 😂 So embarrassing for her and you really. Just pull her aside and say you’re really sorry for assuming, you’re just not used to beautiful girls touching you.

  7. Be honest and tell her you didn’t know who she was and (presumably) by your experience, when a random woman suddenly grabs your arm so comfortably, she is a prostitute.

    Gotta say, hella weird that you weren’t told about her. She clearly knew who you were.

  8. Haha shit happens. But didn’t you profusely apologize immediately after it happened?

    Like “OMG, I’m so sorry, it was an honest mistake and I was trying to get a stranger away”

  9. Everyone acting like you actually did something stupid is completely smooth-brained, if some random ass girl I’ve never seen before in my entire life suddenly appeared and latched onto my arm I’d shake her off and be like “wtf get off me”

  10. Life advice: Unless you are in a very specific location in which you expect to encounter sex workers, you should not assume the people around you are sex workers.

    Extra life advice: If for some reason you call a friend of a friend a prostitute, you should apologize immediately.

    Extra, extra life advice: Strangers do weird things, especially while drunk. If someone is harassing you, there’s tons of good, non—confrontational strategies. You kinda lucked out tonight, only upsetting your friend group. You could’ve easily wound up in the ER if you had said that to the wrong person.

    As to how you apologize? That ship may have sailed. You made a decently offensive assumption about a woman, told it to her face in front of her friends, and then did not apologize for the rest of the night you spent together. I don’t know why you didn’t apologize in the moment, but then again I don’t understand why your default assumption was “call her a prostitute”. I sincerely hope you are not trying to pursue her after this, and would recommend letting it be unless you see her again in person, in which case you can apologize to her.

  11. And why didn’t you apologize that night?

    If you already apologize that night, then just don’t contact her again.

  12. I mean if a guy would somewhat come to me and latch into my arms, I’d freak out calling him a creep and a pervert. It’s not really your fault. Just explian her your reasons and you might even try giving the example of reversed roles.

  13. Some random woman you don’t know ambushed you and held onto your arm… how else were you supposed to react?

    Did you actually use the word “prostitute” ? May be she thinks you think you thought she wanted money.

    Don’t apologize… she is embarrassed because she should not have approached you that way. Just pretend it didn’t happen, and she either will be willing to see you again, or not.

    As for the person giving “life advice”, “extra life advice”, and “extra extra life advice”, you can actually ignore that comment, because it shows a complete lack of respect for your personal boundaries. It is NOT OK to grab someone you don’t know. That’s the issue here, not that you thought she was a prostitute.

  14. This makes me think she was told it was a blind date or something similar…

    It’s really strange your friends didn’t tell you anything.

    If you want to apologize, then apologize.

  15. I’m dead 🤣🤣 I can just picture it like your talking to the guy sitting outside the gas station “sorry buddy I don’t have any cash” poor girl lmao maybe just tell her you had no idea she was coming your friend didn’t warn you and you didn’t mean to come off like that.

  16. I mean she came up and touched you. What were you meant to think?

    Next time she can respect personal space 🤷‍♀️

  17. “And that, kids, is how I met your mother.”

    In all seriousness, just pulling her aside with “I’m sorry, that was terrible of me, let me make it up to you.” should be fine.

  18. as it’s been said already, just talk to her privately and explain your confusion.

    also know that sex work is work and there’s nothing shameful or bad about it, unless you’re being forced to in any way.

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