Does children of divorced parents have trouble maintaining a long term relationship ? Like as the relationship gets older do they start hating it , seeing their parent divorce multiple times when during their childhood years of (6-12years of age)

How can one make them believe in love and make them stay for long term? Any advice on dating them(i have been dating my gf for the past 3 years but as years goes by i see she is becoming her mother who divorced multiple times and had multiple affairs never had a lasting relationship) ? How to make them open up about things
Well just advice in general about dating them would be nice

  1. Eh, divorce rates are somewhere around 50/50, I’m sure it doesn’t help but it’s also not a hard and fast rule that they will be worse at relationships either

  2. Any amount of dysfunction in childhood is going to influence adult relationships. Divorce is not automatically “dysfunctional”, although it’s usually counted as “childhood trauma”. Divorce *can* be a path out of dysfunction provided the parents work on their shit and learn to be good examples and caretakers to their kids, but I don’t think enough people do that. I would assume someone who has been divorced multiple times has not dealt with their own issues at all.

    Your GF could potentially break the cycle, but she’ll need to be the one to recognize she’s in it and want to take action to address it.

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