I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost a couple months now. During this time, I’ve given him head a decent amount of times. But he’s never gone down on me once. In fact, he’s never gone down on a woman ever. He said he’d do it for me when we began dating, but that hasn’t happened. There was one time he almost did, but he stopped short and said maybe another day, because he had to “prepare himself”? I’m not unhygienic and I eat pretty healthy (no junk foods and no sugary foods/drinks), so I doubt it would be that horrible. He said his friends told him it mostly tastes like piss down there or something. I told him if he were to go down on me I could shower immediately beforehand. If I really pushed him to do it, I’m sure he would, but he really doesn’t seem interested.
Anyways, he still expects me to suck his dick but I think that’s unfair considering he won’t do the same for me. Should I just be upfront and tell him that I don’t want to give him head because he’s never done it for me?

  1. Be upfront and hold your ground. I know I wouldn’t give head if my partner didn’t give it to me. So stop doing it for him

    Edit: read he was 25. lmaooo girl leave that man. he says he heard it tastes like piss, what is he? 15 😂😂 I know his dick can’t be thaaaaat good

    thanks for the award 🥹

  2. honestly, stand your ground. there was a discussion and an agreement and it was expected. Its a principal thing. If he said i dont go down ever, and you were ok with it, you be wrong but that’s not the case. Just being honest

  3. >Should I just be upfront and tell him that I don’t want to give him head because he’s never done it for me?

    Its not a requirement to do anything sexually that you don’t love to do.
    I wouldn’t even tell him the reason, and if he asks say “my friends say it mostly just tastes like piss down there”.

  4. Guy here, cut him off like a cold turkey. It shouldn’t be a tit for tat thing but he also should be willing to bring you pleasure in the same way he enjoys it. You have every right to stop and tell him no more

  5. Lol it’s not like dick and balls taste like roses. Plus you don’t have to dislocate your jaw and choke to go down on a woman. He’s being selfish

  6. I was in a similar situation, but it was more bc my SO didn’t have any earthly idea how to give oral. I let him know id walk him through it but that i was very unsatisfied only giving oral and never receiving it. It took a little for him to get used to it and get it “right” but we figured it out. I guess i’m saying that if he wanted to he would, id be upfront about it because he might need to understand how much of a dealbreaker it is for you

  7. I had to recheck the ages.

    A 25 yr old guy who hands anyone “my friends say it tastes like piss” is not an adult regardless of what his ID says. I literally thought this came out of the mouth of a teenager.

  8. Tell him to grow the fuck up. At 25 he’s never gone down on a woman AND his friends are telling him 16 year old sex myths?
    Talk about red flag city.

  9. You should never coerce him to do something he doesn’t want to do. You are entitled to not do down on him just like he is entitled to not go down on you. Even better, you are entitled to break up with him and go find someone who is sexually compatible with you.

  10. Yeah, I was with a guy like that. I call it “fear of p*ssy”. Turns out he liked guys.

  11. I would never date a man who doesn’t go down on women.

    I don’t even particularly care about getting my pussy ate but for me it’s the principle.

    I want a man who actively cares about my pleasure and enthusiastically offers to try and learn to make me cum, instead of having to be told to care and getting eaten out begrudgingly.

    You can do way better.

  12. Find someone who is an *enthusiastic* lover. Not some buttwipe who wants to drag it to the last minute. There’s no substitute for a healthily eager partner.

    If he wants water he should be letting you drink too so to speak

  13. If this guy is 25 and hasn’t gone down on a girl. He’s probably selfish and boring. Do what ever you feel comfortable with and it sounds like you’re comfortable with reciprocity. On that same token maybe have a unguarded chat with him how it’s important to you to feel good and how it’s making you feel before you get too passive aggressive.

  14. That’s fair. I always tell my partners that they I will give them as much effort as they give me in bed. I love oral getting and receiving but if they aren’t willing to return the favor then I stop. If they complain then I just tell them it’s the only way to keep things fair.

  15. There’s an old saying: “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander”.

    If he won’t put out in that way, then you shouldn’t either.

    Also, he needs to grow up! And apparently, so do his friends. Maybe you’re with the wrong guy. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  16. Or you could just be upfront and say you want head and it’s an important part of sex to you. Tell him he’s not meeting your needs and just be honest about that since that’s the truth. Say it’s unfair that your give head and he doesn’t, his response will tell you all you need to know if you wanna be with him or not.

  17. Let me guess. Sex is done when he finishes? Does he ever make sure you get yours too? Or is he as immature and selfish as I think? How TF does a 25 year old still have the “girls are icky” stance. Drop this dude and find a partner that cares about you.

  18. Plenty of men are happy to go down on women without expecting anything in return. Find someone that isnt a selfish asshole.

  19. Let me explain the whole “sex” commitment for those of us that don’t know the protocol and expectations aspect.
    I’m 51 years old and married but prior to marriage I had a decent body count. Strictly hetero but that’s neither here nor there. Sex is something in which you have to do what you like and need to be satisfied. What I hear in your conversation is that you go down on him with the expectation that he will return the favor. Listen, when I go down on women I do it because I like to do it and hope that the female I am with likes it also. And I will do it every time because that’s what I need for my pleasure.. if she doesn’t go down on me then it is what it is and if I don’t agree with that then I consider my attachment to that person. Sex is always a two way street and If oral is what you need then you need to make it clear. Tell him that he can even wash your body while in the shower and maybe then he can gain the confidence he needs to get it done.

  20. Wow this is what 25m are like now.. tastes like piss down there? Sounds like his friends have no idea either. Trying to wrap my mind around not wanting to dive in at 25 but I cant

  21. As a man who loves giving head to my girl, gotta say that’s weird as fuck. He’s being childish.

  22. I mean you have every right to not give him head, but he has every right to not do something sexually he’s not comfortable with too.

  23. As a guy, this is bullshit. He doesn’t care about your satisfaction. He’s selfish so fuck it and don’t suck him off. Sex is mutual and about fun and both parties enjoying the experience. How’s your sex life? By your post and description of him I would assume that he also doesn’t ask what you do and/or don’t like. Positions, toys, preferences (choking, hair pulling, speed of sex, slapping ass etc), anything… does he ask what you want or how you like it? If he doesn’t he’s straight up selfish. You have the right to enjoy sex and it’s his responsibility to make sure you do. Find another one, he’s out there.

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