Not a native speaker so sorry in advance for the possible eye bleeding.

Me (20F) and my bf (20M) really want to have sex without condom (because they are expensive and because of the feeling). I mean, who doesn’t. And I feel like we’re almost the only ones using condoms nowadays from what I hear and read.
We have a long relationship and I trust him so the only reason I want us to keep using it, is pregnancy and not sexually transmitted diseases.

The problem is I’m truly TOO scared of pregnancy. No one of us want it.
And I’m sure that if we don’t take some other things to prevent it, it will happen.
My bf says that we could do it and then try the “pill of the next day” (I don’t know if this is a thing abroad but this is how we name it in my country, if you don’t know what it is I’ll explain). But this is not something to do in regular base. He also says that we could try having sex in my not- fertile days and pull out before cuming. Idk, I don’t think it’s a mature idea.

So I want opinions (from people who have been in this position and tried something).
Should I go with birth control pills? (and talk to my doctor)
Or anything else? Spiral/ IUD ?
From what I have heard there are lots of side effects from birth control pills and I don’t want to harm myself and fuck up my hormones.

Note: we may want in the future to have a baby, so we don’t want something that will stop pregnancy forever.


  1. The pill you’re referring to is plan B which is not a method of birth control, neither is the pull out method.

    I would highly recommend some form of legitimate birth control. However it is a trial and error type thing. My first child, I was on birth control and my husband used a condom. My second child, I was just on the pill. Never missed a pill. Had an alarm set every morning. Still got pregnant. Even with pills, there are side effects that every woman will experience differently. You may gain weight, you may have mood swings, bloating, nausea, etc. It may effect your sex drive. After my second kid, I got Nexplanon put in (arm implant that last 5 years and take it out before if you want a kid). I’ve had no issues, haven’t gained any weight, my period is gone, and my sex drive wasn’t effected. But some people have weight gain, pain near the implant sight, cramping, etc.

    Talk to your doctor, go over your options, and experiment to see what works for you.

  2. Im on the combo pill and my only side effect is sore breasts. I also just started them again so it takes a while to regulate. The pill is an excellent method of birth control, so is the IUD. This is something you need to speak to your doctor about and decide what’s best for you.

    No method of birth control stops pregnancy forever. The only thing that stops you from becoming pregnant permanently is being sterilized.

    Do not have unprotected sex and then use a Plan B, that is not a reliable method. Plan B only works during a small window in your cycle. You also can’t rely on “safe days” unless you’re tracking your ovulation somehow and an app does not count.

  3. Every hormonal method has potential side effects. Yes they are terrible for some people but many take them just fine..I was on pills for over a decade. Unfortunately there is no way to know without taking them if they will be ok for you or not.

    But if you don’t even want to deal with the possibility of hormonal issues then copper IUD is probably going to be what you prefer.

    The emergency contraceptive your bf mentions is basically a birth contol pill your bf with massive doses of hormones and should be used when birth control fails. If you use it after you have e ovulated you could still get pregnant so it’s still a risk.

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