I normally wake up early to get ready for work. I’m the type of person to text someone once I see their message. Not necessarily within seconds, but I don’t take forever to respond. I’m not petty or calculating. Just when I can, I do.

A guy that I’m interested in, we’ve had our first date (that I think went well); he texts me requesting me to call him because he wanted to figure out when I’d be free to hang out again.

I call him. We talk briefly, and he says he wanted to do something the following weekend but I tell him I’m going out of state with my family to see my grandparent who’s not doing well with my family. He asks me if we can do anytime during the week. I let him know of course, but I normally work during the day, so if anything, if he lets me know in advance, I’ll let him know when I can get off. I ask him what he has in mind (mind you this would be date number 2, but he is deciding what we do this time). And he says he is still thinking and laughed. I laughed and jokingly apologized for putting him on the spot. He said once he figures it out he’ll let me know. But I thought that was a good sign he wanted me to call him to make plans on seeing me again.

… well, it’s been maybe about 5 days since I last heard from him. He knew I had plans this past weekend with friends & wished me a good time (5 days ago).

This morning, I decided to text him once I started getting ready for work. Yes. At 4:30 AM. He already knows I wake up early. He goes to bed extremely late [compared to me] (1 AM). But it is now 10:00 PM, and I haven’t heard from him. Should I just assume, I shouldn’t have texted him at 4:30 AM and assume there’ll be no date?

I need honest opinions.

  1. He’s not interested. People make time for who they want to be with, if they play games or don’t text back within a few minutes or hours, then move on. Life’s want to short to spend it on time wasters. Find someone who values you as a person and respects your time.

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