20M living in college housing off campus with 6 others. 3guys 4girls in total. One of my 21m roommate and I hang out a lot together in my room for almost a whole year since. We would spent time playing videos games and watching YouTube on my computer. He hang out with my other 20M roommate too when he’s home but he’s usually not.

He gives me signs that he’s into me and signs that he’s not. I haven’t been in many relationship so it’s hard for me to tell. I think he might have a slim chance of being bi. I googled up some gay-curious signs and found some that matches up.

He would spend a lot of time hanging out with me, when he gets back from class or for work. He would annoy me to hang out with him even when I don’t want too(usually because of a disagreement or he wasn’t around so I was talking to some online friends). We would go to the local mall a few time, and just drive around the neighborhood to chill. Sometime during the drive he would put his hand on my legs toward the kneecap. (This doesn’t seem like a straight thing to do). He gave me a nickname that rhymes with my name (read that this was a sign if you did nothing to get this name). We would slap each other around sometime, but this seem like a normal thing. We would also usually eat our meals together in my room. When I first met him he was a big hugger. He hugged me a lot for getting him food or if we had an argument about something he will just try to hug it off. It seem like i was the only one in the house getting his hugs.

Some of the totally straight sign I get is that he says he is straight. He sometime act like he’s homophobic. He would usually say he’s not gay or say ew to a gay in a normal day but recently when he asked if I was going to miss the pets in the other house I said “I’m going to miss you”. He responded in a cute and jokey way (not sure if that a word). There was a time when I was drinking and lost balance or just went in for a hug(I don’t remember). He said get off me. He also started to hook up with a few girls towards the end of the second semester and now during break he is “hooking” (only been spending all of his time everyday with only her. When I ask if they were saying he would deny it.) up with another girl. While he was hooking up with girls he would something apologize that he haven’t been hanging out with me recently. Now with his “hook up” He would still stop by room for a few second now everyday to talk before leaving to spend the rest of the day with her.

Is he bi? Was he hitting on me but gave up after months cuz I’m an idiot (he wasn’t dating or hooking up during most of the school year). Should I just forget about him since we are both moving out soon? I usually don’t care that he hanging out with other people since I know he if he had free time he would hang out with me. But since i realized that I’m moving it in a month, I’m getting jealous and sad that he’s not hanging out with me.

Don’t hold back on your response. You can call me an idiot and he’s 100% straight or he was never interested, and that we were just really close friends. It would just help me get over him faster

Information to add that I have no idea where to put in the story since it’s 2:30am. He is an extreme pushover for girls. If they ask him for any favor he would. If he had plans and a girl ask him to get food with him he would drop everything to do it. One of our roommate which he hooked up with speaks to him every few days now since a miscommunication. She’s mad at him and he knows that but she once in a while she would ask him to go get food with her and he would. He would come back saying he’s confused.

tl;dr: I like my roommate but didn’t want to act upon it. Once I realized that I have about a month of lease left, I feel jealous that now he is spending time with a girl and was wondering if he was ever into me.

1 comment
  1. I don’t know if he was hitting on you or not, but I can tell you if he is bi he is intensely deep in the closet and you should steer clear of him.

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