I’m really curious if anyone else has had similar experiences. I’m 24F with one child and I’ve experienced bleeding during sex pretty often throughout the years. It seems to mainly happen when I haven’t had sex in a while. Nothing hurts, I’m extremely lubricated, very much enjoying the sex, but all of a sudden there’s mass amounts of bright red blood and it stops as soon as I get cleaned up.
I was in a ltr with my child’s father and he was pretty much used to it I guess so it was never really an issue but we’ve been broken up for some time now and I had sex with one of my friends today and it happened. I was embarrassed and he kept asking if I was okay or if I was on my period. But I track my cycle religiously (do not use hormonal bc) and I’m not due for 10 more days.
I’ve had multiple STD tests and papsmears since the first time this happened to me (around 20 years old) and I’ve always gotten perfectly healthy and normal results.

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