With Roe v Wade overturned, as men how do you feel?

  1. Guess I better set up that vasectomy appointment my wife’s been hounding me to do.

  2. More importantly- WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? This is not just the woman’s problem.

  3. Sick. Women have died because they couldn’t get a medically necessary abortion.

    I’m also sick because my rights (marriage equality, it being legal to be gay) are next on the chopping block. All straight people should be alarmed since access to birth control is also on the chopping block.

    Funny how Clarence Thomas conveniently left out Loving vs Virginia from his dissent since that would affect his marriage.

  4. I’m seriously thinking that I should mention my vasectomy in my next Tinder bio.

    Before the news broke, I only said it as a sort of nervous joke. But now I’m thinking it might actually be a completely reasonable and beneficial thing to mention.

  5. More unwanted babies will be born. They’ll likely grow up unloved and uncared for. I see an increase in crime and health issues in a couple of decades. I don’t like it.

  6. As horrible as this is, we have only seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of what this court is willing to do. Within the next five years, this country will be almost unrecognizable from today.

    I am 53 and already snipped, so abortion being outlawed won’t effect me in a direct way. However, I have two daughters, one of which is 20 and the other is 18. I worry for their future.

  7. My wife and I aborted our first and likely ONLY pregnancy due to extreme birth defects at 22 weeks. I feel very strongly about Abortion and don’t wish it on anyone. That being said, I can’t imagine what we would’ve gone through carrying that fetus to term. Watching it die in the womb, stillborn, or best-case-scenario, extremely disabled with no quality of life?

  8. Upset really. This has far reaching societal implications that we will continue to see in the United States for the next 20-25 years if it isn’t turned back.

    Also, as a kid I always saw the Supreme Court as this beacon of justice, equality and righteousness. Shit is decaying like the life long justice’s that sit there

  9. Hopefully this will be the impetus pro-choice people need to take RBG’s advice and pass laws instead of expecting the supreme court to legislate from the bench.

  10. I hate it. Everyone should hate it.

    Taking away freedom is a real problem in this country. We need more freedom, not less.

    It’s causing me to leave the faith. “Christians” and religious people are largely behind this.

    “Pro-life” fucks: how many of you hypocrites are lining up to adopt or foster unwanted children after this announcement?
    How many of you can I count on at the local homeless shelter next week? Our cook resigned and I need volunteers every day.

    This is a huge step backward for everyone

  11. Angry. It’s obviously a huge miscarriage of justice. Once again the minority voice in this country got its way. And as a veteran, I feel betrayed. My friends and I sacrificed to protect our freedoms. To have the highest court in the land pull this obviously partisan move makes it feel pointless.

  12. Gonna be a lot more dead kids. Dumpster babies, teen girls with complications from illegal abortions. Doesn’t seem very pro life.

  13. For the people that are getting this confused with revoking an amendment, it is not. What it means is your local/state elections just got a WHOLE lot more important if you have a strong opinion on the issue.

    Vote, shift the power at the local/state level if it is a big issue for you. I lean towards state’s rights over federal but am also pro-choice in a red state so voting *based on issues, not affiliation* is as important as it ever has been.

  14. This affect us too. This is a matter of autonomy, and possession of one’s body. We should be angry about this, and watch what liberties the oligarchs use this to deprive us of.

  15. Not happy at all. A president whose didn’t win the popular vote was able to shape the Supreme Court to a side that doesn’t represent the country and they overturned something a majority of Americans support. It all makes no sense

  16. This is horrible for everyone. Think about it. The government can force women to have rape babies against their will. If the government has that power, where will they stop.

  17. Live in Missouri where a trigger law from 2019 will now take effect that not only bans abortions but also effectively bans IVF fertility treatments. My wife and I are going through IVF now.

    So couples who are trying to actively bring life into this world (that can’t naturally do so because of medical problems) will not be allowed to because of a law that is trying to preserve life…. ?!?!?

    EDIT: our fertility clinic sent out an email to patients stating that they are finding out how exactly it will impact operations and treatments. They are committed to providing fertility treatments including IVF in a legal manner.

  18. As a white man I feel like this.

    Fuck the United States. Fuck every single Republican in the country. Fuck the Supreme Court.

    I have four goddamn daughters. I am and have always been EXTREMELY pro choice. This is one of the darkest days in all of US History: a bunch of ignorant, racist, sexist old useless idiots have undone decades of progression. They have ruined this country and will until they die and others step in to further their cause.

    Oh, and no it isn’t all women. It’s all POOR women. It’s all women of color. It’s all women who are forced without their consent. It affects EVERY WOMAN DIFFERENTLY based on color and class. Because THAT is the America millions voted for.


  19. I feel really bad for women being discriminated against like this in my country.

    I will never understand these men who want to fuck everything that moves 8 days a week and then turn around and support banning abortion. It’s absurd. These guys are half of the reason abortions happen in the first place, but personal responsibility is their kryptonite.

    Also, there are so many people out there who think *”I use birth control, therefore pregnancy can’t happen.”* It’s total BS. In real world usage even condoms have a shockingly high failure rate according to the CDC. Perfect usage is a fairy tale. We live in the real world and we’re fallible human beings.

    The effectiveness of hormonal birth control changes depending upon your weight and other factors. I’ve also heard so many stories about women in really bad pain from various forms of birth control. A lot of men have this mindset *”You must suffer so that I may fuck your kind freely!”* like even questioning the narrative about men “spreading their seed” or “sewing their oats” isn’t the norm. Holy shit other guys, do you see how disgusting it is when we have turns of phrase that treat getting women pregnant like you’re fucking scattering seeds to the wind, and then you want to force the women to carry the burden of the consequences?

  20. I am disgusted.

    My wife and I have opted for abortion three times due to severe sickness in the fetuses and even though we now have two healthy daughters it almost destroyed each of us and our relationship. But it was the right choice each time to not put children into the world that would suffer for all of their short lives.

  21. I feel like Republicans are actual dogshit human beings and I hope they commit toaster bath to put it lightly

  22. i feel happy that i am not american. but i feel incredibly sad for my friends that are, and hope that these american decisions dont start coming my way

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