What do you do on dates?

  1. Pretend to be what you think she wants to see so you can hopefully fuck her later

  2. Depended on the person I was dating — but hikes, getting cocktails or coffee, and/or going for walks at the local botanical gardens were always at the top of the list.

  3. First date ever with my wife was going on a pokemon walk

    Find someone that likes who you are. If you don’t like going to hero movies, collecting action figures, and playing board games then slog off (my wife does all of that)

  4. Go to the zoo, go midget golfing, go for a hike and grab something to eat somewhere. Do something where you don’t have to constantly talk like a job interview but where there is always the possibility to talk and if it’s awkward, there is something to do or talk about. Do a workshop, go sightseeing, go shopping.
    My first date with who I’m dating currently was at the zoo, it was such a success that afterwards we walked my dog, then went for dinner until the restaurant closed and we were the only ones sitting there.

  5. Talk eat drink. Go on an experience ie a bush walk a live show stand up comedy or cabaret or a play or something music concert.

    Just relax don’t pressure. If you connect and they feel something and you do then keep doing the above until they want to have sex.

    Also do things like cooking classes, art events, museums, imax, movies, invite over for dinner if your good at cooking.

  6. Drinks to loosen everyone up a bit and or do something interactive and fun…one time I grabbed a bottle of wine and a couple tin mugs and went on a walk by the water with this girl getting tipsy on wine and laughing…it was a bit cold out so along the way we ended up kissing and she grabbed me to keep warm, I ended up dating that girl for 4 year lol so worked pretty well!

  7. Good conversation, good food, good entertainment and hopefully it ends with some good sex

  8. I want to go on more dates with my gf, especially near the beach, with some lemon drink and peace <3

  9. Plan a elaborate first date take her to pretty places that are inexpensive like a botanical garden visit, then go on more dates and slowly discover its not about where or what u do that makes the date exciting and fun its just bing with the person u love that makes it so fun and enjoyable.

    Kid u not we sat at a bench for 3 or so hour sdoing nothing but hugi g kissing and cuddling and it was more fun than our planned dates where we planned activities.

  10. The whole idea of a date just sounds uncomfortable. Fake, awkward, like you have to put on an act. I wouldn’t even want to go on “date.”

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