Hi all I’m coming here because I’m freaked out and don’t know who else to go to because my partner isn’t even home right now they are on a trip for the next few days. I was about to start trying to fall asleep and suddenly got a text from my partners dad, whom my partner and I are both currently living with. He just texted me to offer me a portion off my rent to see my ass and that it would be our secret. I am shaking and feel disgusted, especially because I have a lot of trust issues/discomfort around men and he was someone I actually trusted, or at least felt okay around. I don’t want to tell my partner while they are away. I feel so anxious about ever having to leave my room again.

  1. Screenshot, first of all. And you need to have another place to live. Don’t confront this guy. Document everything, get a safe place and contact your boyfriend. But don’t do it before leaving otherwise you’ll endanger yourself if your partner tells their dad and he gets violent.

  2. Absolutely disguisting.
    Honestly I wouldnt trust him at all to the point of having something to defend myself with. You’d have to be insane to send such a message.

    Would recommend calling your partner though, I know he’s on a trip but he should at least be able to help you in some regard. And I am sure he favours your safety etc over his trip.

    Also, definitely try to find some place to stay for a little while (maybe one of your friends?) Get out of there!

  3. As the other commenters suggested, you should probably find another place to stay. If he is bold enough to ask this, I would be fearful of your safety being alone in the house with him. You also now should be paranoid if he has hidden cameras in the bedroom and bathroom.

  4. I think that a domestic violence organization and/or a tenants’ rights organization might be able to help you. Document the text message and any other creepy shit he does. Are you worried that your partner won’t be helpful if you contact them?

  5. Text ur S.O. & explain the situation & how ur feeling. Tell ur mom & ask ur if u can stay for however long until ur partner is back. Reach out to other relatives/friends if ur mom’s place isn’t an option.

    If u can’t leave, perhaps give him a way out and confront later with ur partner.
    You can pretend u fell asleep/didnt check ur phone until morning. If possible play it off as “u sent this mistakenly/to the wrong person”, or “this is a prank right? Testing my loyalty? I’d never keep secrets from partner, I bet she’ll laugh at this later. You know I’d never do that to ur child,who i love and respect, right?” Playing it off as a caring Dad looking out for his adult offspring…..then leave after a work shift or whenever u can asap.

    Edit: Saw one of ur replies. Tell ur mom she’s right he’s a bit weird and ask to stay with her. U can always say the atmosphere was just awkward/uncomfortable without ur partner there. It’s all right to take time to think about how ur going to explain to ur mom and do so later.

    U live with ur S.O., pay rent, partner’s Dad just disrespect u, ur relationship, and ur S.O. U have done nothing wrong. He should be the one feeling bad.

  6. Forward the messages to your partner right now and let the asshole dad deal with his pissed-off son like a sad pathetic excuse of a man he is. Don’t let that POS spin it into you hitting on him or some other bullshit.

  7. Meanwhile his post…

    How do I get a LGBTQ-LMNOP out of my property.

    🤷🏻‍♂️ probably.

  8. Tell your partner now. Don’t give this creep a chance to try and spin this to him. Leave the house and go stay in a hotel or with a friend if you can. This is sexual harassment.

  9. I’m sorry if you’re not trolling, but it’s hard to believe you are freaked out (and you should be) and still don’t wanna “ruin” your partner’s trip (just a 2hr drive also) or have a few days off, and you gotta see if your mother can pick you up

  10. First of all, tell your partner immediately.

    If I were your partner, I would want to see this ASAP. Don’t postpone it. They will think something more is ‘up’ if you postpone telling them this.

    They may be asleep but still, they’ll see it in the morning when they wake up.

    Then if you can’t leave just yet, find a way for you to lock the door without your partner’s dad being able to come in.

    If your partner is not supportive about this, you should probably go back to live with your mother temporarily.

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