Here is a link to jog your memory . [](

We used to have this on floppy disk and you’d enter commands to make it draw stuff. Used to be great fun as an 8 year old trying to make shapes

  1. I remember we had a more modern version of it that could process really long commands to draw really complex patterns with different colours.

    Edit: Related – Did anyone else used to have “roamer” robots? My primary school used to have these robots which were basically an IRL version of logo. They could be commanded to move in different directions and we could stick a pen in them so they’d draw over a sheet of paper as they moved.

    [Roamer robot](

  2. Dos? I used it on an Amstrad PCW running CP/M Plus. Monochrome green and black screen and loaded off 3” disks. 3” mind you, not 3.5” floppies.

  3. Ours was BBC Micro but looked just like that. The one for Apple IIe and gs over the next few years was pretty damn similar.

    We only used it in class – in between we had a couple people with disks of Chuckie Egg, Frogger, QBert, Cybertron Mission, Centipede etc.

  4. I recall Logo, moving the turtle, etc.

    But it was long after DOS was in popular use. Was a Windows app, and even let you make your own GUIs in the procedures.

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