Men please answer honestly…. When was the last time you cried ?

  1. Last 4th of July when my dad died. Actually died on the 5th , but went into the hospital on the 4th

  2. I cry often, I still mourn my mother. Usually while driving and listening to music that reminds me of her. Alone 100% of the time though.

  3. I think about a year ago. Mental illness has me more emotional than usual. Before this, I think I cried maybe twice since I was a kid.

  4. Actually cried? Maybe 8 years ago after I found out about a cheating fiancée.

  5. Like a week ago.

    I like a good cry. Helps me take notice of the things that have annoyed/upset me, but haven’t bothered or able to process as good as I want to. It let’s me release it.

  6. March last year. I thought I’d have to say good bye to my dog, he’s all right though. so that’s good.

  7. Maybe two weeks or so ago? I’m 17, for reference, and my gf of 2.5 years, best friend of like 5-6 moved a couple states over, and I cried dropping her off at home after a date the night before she left

  8. Last time I cried was when, during reading lore for the Tau on a project, I read about the reaction of the Fire Cast warriors that returned to a battlefield that was thought lost but a few gun drones were able to hold the field long after the main force either died or retreated. These drones (like all that are used by the Tau) are given basic intelligence that even lets them think about self preservation, about enough intelligence as a small animal. In the Tau Empire as a whole drones are both used domestically and militarily, with many seeing them as companions rather than mechanical fodder that can be easily replaced (for example like the servators in the Imperium of Man).

  9. Let’s see….last week. Listening to motivational speeches

    Before that the week before talking to my grandma with terminal cancer. Im ok with crying.

  10. I have been having a tough time mental health wise. I have been working from home since March 2020. I now have a permanent work from home job with no office nearby. I am home all the time. I get out when I can and often but it all feels routine. The US is in shambles, people don’t give a shit anymore, and crime and violence are raging here. Plus, it’s hot AF right now. So I feel trapped in my mind and had a breakdown the other day. Every little thing added up, piled on, and broke me. I am ok now and overall I am good but it is hard sometimes.

  11. 3 days ago cuz I couldn’t sleep. Believe me tho, I cry for more serious reasons too

  12. During the pandemic, went through a divorce about a year and a half prior, I was kinda lonely. And this mother fucking commercial comes on….fuck

    I initiated divorce, it was completely for the best, but we were best friends (not great lovers) and the friendship I missed during the pandemic quite a bit….I guess this shit just hit me. Basically put it on repeat and ugly cried. Didn’t cry through the whole divorce (neither of us did which says something), but this commercial was my catharsis.

  13. Almost three years ago when my sister died.

    Do you think we would lie about the last time we cried?

  14. Male 50. The family dog died a few weeks ago. Teared up.
    Before that was a few years ago, pressures of life just got too much for me , lay on the bed and cried.

  15. Actual crying, and not a random tear during an emotional song or movie scene? June 2010.

  16. Last night before sleep, it was proper waterworks.

    Shed a small tear around 6 hours ago again.

    Why? I’m lonely and miss my SO

  17. My daughter gave me the sweetest fathers day card.

    It was actually a ‘book’ of maybe 8 stapled together pages where she drew pictures & wrote a bunch of reasons why she’s glad I’m her Dad.

    Won’t lie… it got misty

  18. I honestly don’t remember it’s been a long time
    Not because I force myself not to cry, more that life has been going in the right direction lately

    The last one i can remember was when i hugged my mom after not seeing her for a whole year due to travel restrictions cuz of covif

  19. Today. From ultraaaaa loneliness. Isolation from my own dumb brain. I had all the attention and friends. But i ran them all off by being distant. Now im so sad. All of the time. Nobody except family to talk to. I need an outlet. A human i can say things to that won’t cause drama. Ugh.

  20. Few years ago when I was just fed up with my job at the time. I’ve legit tried to MAKE myself cry at times since then (for unrelated reasons), but just can’t for some reason.

  21. When I had to take my cat to be put down after terminal illness. Watching his final moments destroyed me much more than I anticipated.

  22. Really cry? When my father died (I was 17), Teary eyes? Everytime one of my dogs died (I’ve had many)

  23. ~January 2020, i was outside the country for uni & it wasn’t going well.. coming back home for a break made me realize how i’m fucking up my life. and getting a sense i will forever continue doing so

  24. I wanna say a few weeks ago, I’ve been going to the gym more recently and I’ve found it’s really been improving my mood more and more

  25. Last week when I talked to my daughter for the first time in over 5 years. She had ghosted us. Last week she took my call, and we talked for a long time. I thought that it went well…enough. Later, she sent a text with a list of things she said were the reasons she had ghosted us. Several of the supposed incidents I personally witnessed. Her account is so horribly wrong/exaggerated/skewed that I don’t know how to respond. She is so completely delusional. It’s like talking to a flat Earther.

    She has only recently emerged from an abusive, meth-fueled, marriage. I can only assume that her delusions are related to that.

  26. The night of the Uvalde shooting and pretty much every night for a week after.

    First time something like this has happened since I’ve become a father myself. It hit different this time.

  27. When I saved an acquaintance-now-turned-friend from commiting suicide after a heartbreak from her lover. Well, she actually went through with the act but I was able to reach out to folks near her to get to her after which she was rushed to the hospital. We were in different countries at the time this happened.

    The calm I had throughout the whole ordeal, trying to reach out to people and checking her contacts on social media to see who was closest to her still baffles me till date.

    I broke down crying after I knew she was safe and responding to treatment at the hospital. This was in 2019. Before then, last time I cried was 11 years prior.

  28. When my wife told me she feels like she’s lying when she tells me she loves me. That wrecked me for months.

  29. 3 months ago. My best friend passed away last year. We always used to bump Johnny cash in high school and after walk the line came out I think we watched that movie 100 times. We would talk on the phone almost every day during our commutes. My commutes now consist of podcasts or music. When the Johnny cash song came on my pandora, on an unrelated station, it hit me out of nowhere and could not stop crying

  30. The last time I truly cried was probably 10 years ago when my daughter died.

  31. Father’s Day. My eldest daughter passed away 7 years ago at 5 and a half years old. Most years on Father’s Day I have an ugly cry graveside. I’ll have another next week on her birthday.

  32. November 6th, 2021. Grandpas funeral. We were super close. He was 86, but healthy and very mobile for his age. Had a stroke one morning and didn’t come out of his coma. It being so unexpected made it harder.

  33. I wish I could still cry,

    I haven’t cried since my grandmother died when I was 18 (22 years ago) in that time I have lost several jobs, gotten married, gotten divorced, gotten married , buried pets, buried my mum, buried friends my body just won’t let go.

  34. I fucking watched Grave of Fireflies again a few days ago. I hate myself for doing it but it’s such an amazing movie that I can’t help it.

  35. A few hours ago. I’ve been having a hard time getting over my ex, and cried in the car on the way home when a sad song came on the radio. I was singing along to it as I was crying.

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