I’m not here to discuss why my wife has stopped. I have pretty much accepted it. Just curious if it’s something that is no longer in your marriage as well.

  1. Yup same. Very rarely will I get one. I mean rarely. Fucking sucks. Before marriage, sex and blow
    Jobs allll the time.

  2. Nope i’m getting more head as were getting older, hell my wife in the past year has started to like swallowing lol

  3. While they haven’t stopped, the frequency slowed but I still see a bj from time to time.

  4. I do it several times a month, sometimes a Vaseline handy is quicker if I can’t focus lol

  5. I’m the wife. They’ve increased since having two kids. Quicker and easier to do anywhere.

  6. mine had stopped entirely about 6 months into the marriage. She later confided (about a year later) she never liked doing it, she just felt like she was supposed or had to, so she did it. So we never had oral sex really. Unless she was realllllly horny she would try to get me excited by an offer to start me off with oral. But later it just was depressing when she would bring it up, and the mere offer would kill the mood for me.

  7. Yes like the punchline to so many jokes. What I need and want sexually hasn’t mattered for almost 2 decades. Total deadbedroom too. Misery

  8. I feel like a lot of married men fall into this category. Yes and no for me.

    Actual full term blowjobs to make me cum…pretty much never unless I ask (and I never ask because that sucks). Blowjobs for a few seconds before PIV, a few times a week. I could really do without them though.

    Crazy thing is, i could probably get her to give me bj’s but once again, I’m interested in asking someone to do something that they don’t want to do (enthusiastically).

  9. Where are all the posts explaining how these guys need to step up to expect bjs from their spouses?

  10. They would happen infrequently and now they’ve completely stopped since marriage and kids. Oral sex is my favourite type of sex. She knows this but I guess it’s a boundary.

  11. If anything they’ve increased dramatically the past several years. They’re a regular part of our foreplay as is cunnilingus. We probably go down on each other around 3-4x a week.

    It wasn’t always this way. We’ve both just become more comfortable with it & eager to perform it for the other as our overall communication and openness about sex has massively increased he past several years.

  12. No, but I never really ask for or expect them, so each one is a pleasant surprise. I’m more of a giver anyway.

  13. After years of matrimony and having no blowies- she finally gave in and blew my brain… yay to me

  14. I prefer giving blowjobs than receiving oral. It’s like licking my feet – I feel nothing when my boyfriend gives me a head. So blowjobs is our must-have and I wouldn’t stop it or reduce it. But my ex husband was uncircumcised and it was disgusting to give him oral. I’m not saying that you are disgusting, it’s just simple my point of view why I stopped to do it with my ex.

  15. Late 30s m, married just shy of 10 years. My wife sucks me maybe every other time we have sex (which we do 2 x per week) but never to completion, only for a couple of minutes before PIV.

    I understand her logic, because we both tend to cum from PIV, so why do something one-sided when we could both be having fun? I’d still like it though!

  16. Seems as if you’re framing it like it’s in her job description or something…

  17. I stopped. But mostly because I felt used during it. Could be a control thing for me. Like I don’t like being handled roughly when I’m trying to please him. The way it makes me feel is not great not to mention my mouth starts to get sore and then when it feels like he’s just holding himself off well then it’s like wtf…but also he cums rather quickly during penetration and I don’t cum at all from that. So that’s another reason why it becomes one sided.

    Don’t get me wrong I’d love to keep giving him blowjobs if he would make it feel more intimate rather than me feeling like some random hookup.

  18. I enjoy giving blowjobs, however I have largely stopped because I get really queasy easily because I once choked on cum (not as funny as it sounds). We laughed about it at the time but since then it’s been harder to give BJ’s.

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