This is the main reason that makes me anxious when i talk to girls i like, i keep overthinking about what im going to say next and eventually I would run out of ideas and it leads to that awkward silence. How can I get better and avoid this?

  1. It’s not that difficult: let them talk. Ask questions to go into more detail about what they’re telling you. This also shows you’re really interested in what they have to say.

  2. There are a couple of strategies:
    1. Do activities that provide natural conversation. Events, concerts, movies provide subjects to talk about.

    2. If the conversation isn’t coming naturally, maybe it’s not a great match, and that’s ok. Common interests and passions can bring about a lot of natural conversation because you both have knowledge about a topic and want to talk about it rather than one person asking questions and the other just listening unable to contribute.

    3. On dates when there is silence if it feels awkward maybe it’s not a great match and that’s okay. The most compatible couples can enjoy the silence with one another and not have it feel awkward, impossible to force to happen but amazing when you find it.

    Hope this helps, and hope you can have some good dates in the future!

  3. A good rule of thumb is that if you feel that you’re forcing the conversation into existence (no subjects to talk about) you shouldn’t be talking.

    To talk with someone you need chemistry, if the chemistry isn’t there you will have topics to talk about and then that will be it, when there’s chemistry you start in a topic and without even finishing it you’re already talking about God knows what and the conversation is still enjoyable.

  4. Ask them about their lives. Listen like just straight up listen and let them go on about it. Then work off the info you just heard and paraphrase it back to them and ask follow up questions or maybe some conclusions you have about it. They’ll keep talking if anything and if it’s working out well then they’ll ask you questions

  5. Let them talk, and the most important part: Listen to them.

    People love to talk, and people love to feel like they are being listened to!

    Don´t worry too much about it, if you both are interested on eachothers hobbys and overall subjects everything will flow. Oh, and don´´’t forget that silence does not need to be uncomfortable, u can use it as a bonding moment.

    I wish you luck soldier!

  6. *”i keep overthinking about what im going to say next…”*

    Focus less on what you’re thinking, or yourself at all and listen to what they’re talking about, then just react to that.

    LPT; when guys talk to each other they’re often looking for helpful feedback, women often just want to be heard, so just listen.

    Keep in mind that often *[It’s not about the nail](* ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯

  7. It doesn’t differ between men and women. Conversation is a skill, it requires a show of genuine interest in what people are saying so they feel comfortable talking to you. I’m only pretty good at it, the people I know that are the best can keep asking questions and be excited about every response

  8. Step 1) Question, follow up question, follow up question, make her laugh, smile.
    Step 2) repeat step 1.

  9. A good listener is best convo partner for women

    Dont make it seem like an interview

    Make statements instead of questions

    And dont forget about playful convo. Shouldn’t be all logical. Attract+build connection

  10. If you find that you have to keep coming up with stuff, then they’re not interested in talking to you. People who like talking to each other keep the conversation flowing

  11. Talk about what interests them. It definitely helps if you know a little bit about them.

    I tend to have better success with older women I’ve noticed, which is annoying.

  12. I used to have this same issue – the first date I went on with my ex, I thought of at least 10 different questions to ask and was finished with them before we even got to the restaurant. Luckily, she was just as talkative and made conversation easy and comfortable. We went on to date for 2 years

    I’ve learned now that this anxiety in what to talk about is what causes us to have this awkward silence when we run out of what we planned to say. My best conversations are with friends and family when I don’t need to worry about having enough to talk about, it just comes naturally. Granted, I will still fall victim and note down a few things I wish to talk to my date about, but trusting in yourself and the other to make conversation naturally makes things less stressful and much more easy.

    A tip I’d add is to think of subjects if anything, let the questions come from there. Broader subjects will lead to more conversation than specific questions. Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself and your experiences either.

  13. Ask them questions about themselves. Contrary to popular belief, dating doesn’t have to be solely the guy’s responsibility to entertain their dates. If they’re not helping you keep the conversation going, they’re either bored/not that interested, boring, or they might be just as anxious as you are.

    People always make dating out to be more serious than it should be, so just focus on trying to get each other to open up and have a good time.

  14. Dont overdo it, let It flow. Also try to avoid making too many questions. You dont keep asking questions with your male friends,.do you? So instead of asking “do you like x?” better say “something tells me you like x, am i wrong or is my legendary intuition superpowers failing again? Oh fuck, i guess i suck at guessin lol” If the girl is interested she might told you if she likes or hates that thing, or maybe talk about how she is good or bad at guessin people or whatever.

    But the best advise is dont force things, conversation.needs to flow naturally. If she’s not paying attention or she always answers with yes or no, then she’s not interested and you’re losing your.time. Or maybe she’s just dumb and not worth of your time.

  15. If you could pick one super power which would it be and why? Everyone likes imagining themselves cooler.

  16. Ask them about themselves, and then follow up with questions about the things they say about themselves. Also this from the classic book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”:

    > Remember that a person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.

  17. If there’s something to be said, it will be said.
    If there isn’t it won’t.
    Stop forcing interactions.
    Stop trying to be someone you’re not.

    People need to realize forcing things in order to get what they want, is basically being disingenuous about who they truly are and if they end up getting what they want from being this way, all they’re doing is lying to themselves and falsifying the fundamentals of their interactions with people by making them superficial and fake.

  18. Honestly people figure out pretty damn quickly that I don’t talk a lot for shit. Didn’t start talking until I was seven yo and social interaction is a ruined thing for me. I can always find things to talk about sometimes. Anime, boxing, movies, tv shows, music, other things

    You could play two truths and a lie and discover facts about someone and go off from there.

  19. try the autism mode (i can say that im autistic) pick one subject and then just go all out. I’ve had long long discussions just about the hypothetical anatomy of mermaids and if they’re still cool despite that. A lot of people, and not just girls, like to talk about more childish stuff. Don’t try this on super serious people. basically just avoid small talk at all costs. always have a topic and eventually you will suddenly trail of to a completely random subject, and that’s good. as long as you both just get into the groove of saying without thinking, and you’ll talk for hours.

  20. You can always ask her about herself We love to talk about ourselves and it shows an interest in us which, who doesn’t love that? . Ask her about her hobbies, family, wants desires, goals, pets etc then you can relate common interests back to you.

  21. Trust me, if she’s interested, she’ll keep the conversation going. If she’s not, I don’t care if you’re a walking Britannica, that conversation will be dead soon enough.

  22. Don’t worry about talking to girls. Worry about how to talk to people. If you are having fun talking to someone then just keep talking to them, ask them open questions and they will talk about the things they like.

    People aren’t puzzles. If you vibe then you vibe. If you are sitting there thinking “how does this work?” Then either you aren’t in the moment or they aren’t. Start over, talk about something fun which happened briefly, and then ask if something like that has happened to them.

    If it peters out then it isn’t something that you need to worry over. Goldfish it and live your life.

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