As a European I’m used to huge public protests whenever for example a government makes an unpopular decision. Tens- to hundred thousands take to the streets, march, or protest in another way.

Recently there have been huge public outcries from events happening in the US. But when I read about protests the numbers are ‘dozens’, ‘several dozens’, ‘a few hundred’ people who are protesting. Why do I never hear about hundreds of thousands people marching through Washington or anywhere else in the US?

  1. The fuck are you on about? Literally every major US city was involved in protests in summer 2020.

  2. > Why do I never hear about hundreds of thousands people marching through Washington or anywhere else in the US?

    Because your media does a really bad job covering the USA

  3. >Why do I never hear about hundreds of thousands people marching through Washington or anywhere else in the US?

    The US is really big and spread out. Most people would need to book a flight and hotel to go to DC to protest something. That makes it harder and more expensive, so it happens less often (though it definitely still happens).

  4. I’m not sure what rock you’ve been living under, but I hope it’s nice.

  5. People have a lot to lose if they go out and protest. It is no coincidence the 2020 civil rights protests were so massive when everyone was out of work and had nothing to lose. Most people don’t belong to a union which can call a strike. A lot of people simply can’t afford to miss work at this point. But who knows what the future holds.

  6. Because you are using extremely biased news sources apparently.

    Much of the US faced mass protests for a significant portion of 2020-2021.

    There are very large protests going on right now…

  7. As others have pointed out, the US is massive and our public transport is abysmal. In a country like France for example, the vast majority either lives in Paris or is a fast cheap train ride away. Whereas in the US most people would have to drive up to a couple days or get an expensive flight.

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