When you live with your partner, do they pay rent? Why or why not?

  1. Sorta. I pay the bills, my wife cooks, cleans, and takes care of the kids while I’m at work.

  2. Depends on each relation. What I’ve seen is pretty common is you split it based on income as that tends to then allow a more equal relationship as a whole, but 50/50 split is also very common.

  3. I pay everything right now, but if she ever gets out of college then she’ll contribute. Hopefully

  4. When I used to rent with exes, yes. And I paid when I was the one who moved in with them. There’s two people living there, there’s absolutely no reason the cost of living should be solely shouldered by one person.

    I’d feel like an absolute mooch moving in with someone, having a roof over my head and access to amenities and doing sweet fuck-all to cover the cost of it. I view relationships as a partnership, if both people are covering rent it’s less of a burden than it would be for one person to handle it alone.

    With my partner now, the house is hers and fully paid, but we both contribute to the cost of living. Bills, groceries, general upkeep and renovation, etcetc.

  5. No she didnt. Because she was my wife and the mother of my child what am i going to do kick her out? Start a fight? Even when we wasnt married easier to pay the bills than fight about it.

  6. I’ve lived with two significant others… one, we split everything 50/50 (except I made more money so I did all the grocery shopping and never asked for money for it). The other, he was a student and I was working a decent full-time job so I refused to take any money from him.

  7. We’ve always split rent, bills, etc… Roughly in proportion to our income, yeah.

  8. All of our money is pooled and my wife works, so yes she helps pay the mortgage. Given we don’t have any children, she is in good health, and she isn’t caring for either of our aging parents there’d be no reason for her not to contribute. I’d probably ditch her if she attempted not to contribute financially (unless we make it to retirement age), because it’d show a complete lack of disrespect towards me. I don’t want to work either, but I do because that is how we pay for the things we say we want.

  9. If it’s a woman yes, I expect cash up front, if it’s a dude he pays with that bussy.

  10. If they don’t help out with rent/utilities, then they aren’t really a partner, they’re a user.

  11. Back when we were dating my wife moved in with me because it made financial sense. The whole point was to better enable her to payoff student loan. She was VERY hesitant at first. First, her parents were old school and would bo approve. Second, afraid it would ruin the relationship we had and things become way to serious. It wasn’t until I cleaned out a room and showed her, thus can be your room, when she realized, “oh, you want me to be a roommate……not a live in girlfriend?” That sold it. They fact she had her own room. But she insisted on paying me rent. We agreed upon an amount. It was important to her she was not a “kept woman.” Obviously it was within a few months that she stopped using her room to sleep in. She paid rent right up until the month we married. Her parents grumbled a little that their daughter was “shacking up” but there was nothing they could do or say except grin and bear it. Plus, I think they saw I wasn’t going any where. When we would visit them, we still had to sleep in separate rooms. Lol. Bug there was one time her parents came and stayed with us for about a week. Her dad needed a minor medical procedure. The funny part about all of that: no one brought up the elephant in the room – sleeping arrangements. Her parents stayed in her old room. I guess they had plausible deniability their baby girl was living in sin, if they didn’t see it with their own eyes. LMAO. But I talked with her dad a lot in those early days. He never gave me shit about making her an honest woman. Just people from a different time.

  12. Thats right. When my lazy, useless, pathetic human life lives in my parents basement.. i make them pay rent.

  13. If anybody lives with me we split the bills. I wouldn’t be with someone who didn’t have a job and I’m certainly not supporting anybody but a child.

    Things might be different if I had some high paying job, but I don’t.

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