I’m 25 . Am I the only one who thinks dating in my 20s is so annoying? Honestly part of me just doesn’t feel the energy to ask the standard questions. Like favorite color and stuff. You invest time and effort and most the time you don’t even end up lasting. Am I the only one who feels this way ?

  1. People in their twenties are either busy with life or trying to figure out themselves.

  2. I feel that… honestly the best thing to do is to find joy in being single

  3. Well, in my experience the ladies won’t even bother if the first thing you say after matching online is boring or otherwise uninteresting. They just unmatch and move on. It’s tough! But I’ve struggled to break even with people my whole life. I’ll tell you what though, I really don’t want to talk about everyday stuff, it’s boring even to me!

    But that’s usually where it all starts when you meet people for the first time in real life. And when you do, you got no fucking clue what that person is like, so you walk up to the water and dip your toes with some small talk. Honestly, who fucking opens up with:

    “wouldn’t you say that it’s weird how we can tell so much about each other by just looking at each other, and still not know one another before talking? 🤔”. Just an example to make a point about being deep and interesting.

    I was bullied for most of my youth so I’m not sharing how deep I really am until I trust the person, I’m quite reserved. I don’t know how to reel people in before I’m remotely comfortable being myself completely, and it’s hard.

  4. Why do you ask about favourite colours if you find that boring? You don’t have to use any standard questions..

    I usually ask about where people would teleport first if teleportation was invented, what title they would give a book if they had to write it, their favourite documentary, their favourite programming language, what plants they want to grow, opinion on free public transportation, how their home would look if they could construct it however they want, or we just talk in puns for 5 min. You don’t have to ask questions you find boring. At least not the first few weeks. Eventually if you’re dating it might be good to know favourite colours, movies, TV shows and allergies, and talk about their day and etc etc.

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