How do you feel about the overturn of the RoevWade decision?

  1. I don’t live in the US but it’s pretty terrible. I’m of the opinion that abortion for unwanted pregnancies is absolutely fine but also know a few people who’ve had dangerous pregnancies that were almost fatal, and only weren’t because they were allowed an abortive procedure. It’s not hyperbolic to say people are going to die because of this

  2. I am insanely grateful I got out of the US while I still could, I feel awful for all women living in the US still that they have to deal with this kind of bullshit, and I’m honestly not even surprised anymore by America’s choices

    I grew up in America, and I loved it with all my heart until I realized how awful the political situation got, BOTH sides of the system do nothing but fight each other instead of coming up with solutions and fixes

    To those still living in America I have this to say, get the fuck out while you still can, things are going to get worse, I was able to get out, you can too.

  3. It’s a regressive step in progression. I live in a country were abortion is illegal, with this being overturned its unlikely to change here anytime

  4. I think I it’s a major issue when the state appoints the judiciary. From this to not needing a gun permit to carry after mass shootings. It seems like the US is going Handmaids Tale. I dont live there thankfully- maybe it’s not as bad as it seems

  5. Sickened.
    I’m in the U.K. but how can any think the US constitution should rule how things are done for evermore. Things change, and this makes no room for that. Of course they only use it when it suits them.
    It’s evil, as is the GOP. Power and control is all they care about.

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