my dudes, just stop down-voting my post for the love of me.thanks,
edit: i like how some dudes are like “you know what?I’m going to dislike it even harder”

  1. I was told I really fill out a pair of pants whwn I was a skinny mofo and to this day I do not know what she meant by it.

  2. “You have the perfect voice for reading the obituaries.” I was a radio announcer at the time.

  3. You have lovely forearms. I don’t know what to do with this information.

  4. A female friend once said to me: *”You would look really pretty if you were born a girl.”*

    I think she said that because I’ve been told I have beautiful eyes and I take after my mom, but this was kinda weird still lol

  5. “You’re a machine”….. at my job. Because I’m really quick and efficient at putting stock in shelves

    It was nice to hear but it’s putting stuff on shelves….. like it’s not hard.

  6. Him: you have pretty eyes

    Me: thanks! They look just like my dads.

    Him: your dad has pretty eyes

  7. I’ve been told multiple times by men and women that I’d look great pregnant. I’m a guy, that doesn’t even remotely look feminine.

    I think it’s due to how round my belly gets when fall comes and my favorite beers come out.

  8. My boss had a guy come in and say “I recognize those biceps anywhere!”

    My boss is a jacked bald white man. Apparently they workout at the same gym but don’t know each other lol.

  9. “You have pretty eyelash”
    I guess that’s the sort of thing i would never notice by myself

  10. Girl told me I looked like borat. Not sure if that’s supposed to be a compliment or not.

  11. My ex said, “I wish you were a worse guy, it would make this so much easier” when breaking up with me. Like thanks but fucking ouch.

  12. “Your street lamp height can help in replacing light bulbs, Great!”

    I’m above average in height and people call me a street lamp for some reason

  13. “You’re only good for your looks”

    Backhanded as fuck, but made me feel good about myself in a weird way

  14. “You have nice veins”

    -every person who’s ever drawn blood from me.

  15. I was told by a woman that was not giving me a haircut that I have a great head of hair and a dignified hair style. Whatever that means.

  16. Him: “I’d f*ck the shit out of you with that big ol butt”

    Me dressed as a woman for Halloween: *turns around in my deepest voice* Thanks

    Him: OH SHIT … … My offer still stands

  17. “You have big/beautiful veins” Both told to me by nurses doing a blood draw.

  18. So, it’s not really a compliment, but I take it as one.

    “Excuse me, ma’am?”
    Means my hair looks AMAZING from behind.

  19. My best friend, when I told her I was trying to lose weight, blurted out, very loudly:

    ‘No! You’re perfect! If I was going to draw a cartoon of someone like you, you’re exactly what they should look like!’

    Everyone else in the cookhouse just looked over slowly, saw it was us and went back to their food. We had a weird reputation.

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