And does it make me a bad person for wanting to?

So long story short…Best friend got into a relationship she moved close to his area without knowing anyone and now he is stuck having to entertain her every day
Their relationship sucks..either they are being really cringe and clingy acting like 15 year olds or they will argue for nothing (and they argue a lot)

I love my friend and have connected with his gf enough that she considers me one of her best friends and I am happy about that

Unfortunately I can’t stand both of them together it brakes my nerves to the point that I avoid going out with them

My friend is the only one I have right now and I don’t want to lose him but since explaining him that I don’t have fun with them and he ignored me I am think about taking my distance

He never asks if he should bring her and just assumes she is invited to everything..I can’t stand this situation and I can’t see how it is helping their relationship..They do nothing alone

What can I do if talking to my friend doesn’t work

  1. Maybe you could try inviting him by saying “hey, I have been feeling a little down lately and I would really love to spend the afternoon with you, you know just the two of us like old times if that’s ok?”

    And then you can tell him that even though you enjoy seeing his girlfriend and are happy for him, you miss having a bit of “boys times” once in a while.

  2. Well truth is, we all argue and we all be cringy sometimes that’s part of the relation ship so that’s not a bad relation ship really, as long as it doesn’t turn violent it’s healthy to argue.

    Secondly like it or not, as we get older we tend to stay with out partners or family more than friend and you may not love your friend as much as he do you.

    Example, my best friend I don’t talk to them or hangout with them that much, but I do know they will be the only people there if I need. Everybody has a different vision of friendships, and he may not have the same as you

    FINALLLLLY and MOST IMPORTANT, Don’t make him choose between you and her and his girlfriend doesn’t do it because you will be seen as the needy one in the friendship, the clingy etc

    Just accept that people’s relationchange and that with time you may have less and less time with him. If you want some time alone with him tell him he is the only person for u rn and u need to talk a bit, but other than that don’t force that kind of thing, he will quickly stop talking to you in my opinion

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