If your partner crosses the line, the big no go line that you repetedly affirmed, how would you tell them it’s over?

  1. If you are living together I’d have already planned my exit and tell them after I’ve left.

    If you are not living together just swing by and have the chat and leave.

    At that point its more an FYI notification then anything else.

  2. Be honest and straight to the point.

    Tell them what you want to.. It does not have to be pretty honestly.. sometimes the truth is a bit harsh

    Don’t say ”maybe’s” or I need some time.

    If you want to end, end it and don’t give false hopes

  3. This is so straight forward.

    “You knew I had a line and that you crossed it. We are over. Goodbye.”

  4. You get your stuff safe (If living together or they have access), then you break it to them in a public place. Granted, that won’t save you from the real crazies, but them you do it via txt for your safety.
    When you tell them, be extremely clear what wasn’t acceptable behaviour and how that’s a an automatic no from you. Then make it just as clear there will be no more chances because of that behaviour and inform them of times they can pick their stuff up or have it dropped off, for that, bring a witness too in case they try to sweet talk their ass outta the breakup.

    Then go home and relish never having to speak to them again

  5. You don’t have to tell her, you show her by leaving.

    Let’s be honest here, she broke up with you already by crossing the line.

  6. Why prepare? It’s a simple conversation over a dealbreaker in a relationship. Give the reason, take your stuff and leave or make them leave if it’s your house.

  7. Went through this 18 months ago in a relationship I’d been in for 20 years. She’d cheated at least once before, maybe more – but I’d confirmed one for sure. She knew if it ever happened again I was gone.

    One night I saw her being shady with her phone, walking around and texting in the yard. She’s a big drinker and passed out drunk later that night with her phone out and she just kept getting text after text. I walked over and on the main screen were “baby, you awake?”, “baby”, “call me back”, “is he there?”, “I hope everything is okay”.

    I didn’t sleep at all that night. In the morning I calmly asked her who Chad was (the name on the texts) and she at first said it was my best friend (same name). I told her no, cut the bullshit. And she calmly told me who it was. And with that, I told her she knew if it ever happened again that we were done. She said okay. And I walked upstairs and started compiling my stuff. I was out in a week. Toughest shit I’ve ever had to do.

  8. Bo preparation. Straight up to the point.

    Seriously there is no benefit from being politically correct here.

  9. Write down your problems with your partner. write it like a reddit comment, a paper, whatever you want. It helps coalesce your thoughts into an solid point by point grievence, and helps you think of examples and explanations. It will harden your resolve, because it will get you to put thoughts into words.

    Just dont rely on it unless if you are breaking up by letter, youll rely on it like a crutch and it will be incredibly awkward. Its like preparing for a speech; practice, but dont rely on what you wrote to speak for you.

  10. After letting her know, at the first overstep:

    *”We’re over. Never speak to me again.”*

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