If i say exceptional man. What traits come to mind?

  1. “insufferable” is the first thing that would come to mind. To be fair, I’d probably feel that way about anyone who considered themselves “exceptional”, even if they actually were.

  2. Morally upstanding, intelligent, generous, conscientious, courageous, disciplined, creative, and independent thinking.

  3. Cleanliness, respectable, consistent trust worthy, handsome man with ability to think for himself

  4. Takes on mental and emotional labor of seeing what needs to get done and doing it.

  5. Mythological creature.

    Alternatively, some asshole who thinks he’s the hottest thing since Jason Momoa and is actually about as exceptional as gum on the bottom of a movie theater seat.

  6. Sounds like the start of a description of some idea of a “perfect” leading man in a romance novel.

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