What do you do when you want to go out but no one is free?

  1. Go out anyway. I used to go to restaurants, movies, and bars by myself regularly.

  2. Go out alone. I love getting dinner by myself because there’s no arguments about the bill!

  3. I go out by myself, get dressed and go to the movies alone or go for a walk or go for a coffee.

    Or book shopping.

  4. I go out anyway. And in most cases I prefer it. When you’re an only child you get used to doing things alone, it‘s really not a big deal.

  5. Go out on my own, like I usually do. I don’t wait on anyone. I do my own thing.

  6. I go out for a glass of wine and a bite. I bring a book and my phone. It’s wonderful! I just started doing this after years of feeling too shy. It’s great for people-watching and catching up with myself.

  7. What’s wrong with going out by yourself? I’ve been doing so for more than 50 years.

  8. The only place I won’t go by myself is to a concert, which is more for my safety than anything.

  9. Go out alone. Get dress up, go to a movie, coffee, bar, anywhere! I do this to escape once in a while 🙂

  10. I used to just go out by myself because I knew most of the regulars at a couple places and was bound to find someone to talk to anyways. I don’t think I could do that now though

  11. Unless I *REALLY* want to go somewhere, I’m fine postponing an outing until someone can join me. Otherwise, I’ll just go out by myself.

  12. I just go out??

    Aside from maybe with my boyfriend, I don’t generally like going to places as a group. When I go out, I like to take my time looking at everything. I’m a giant dork and I love seeing what new stuff is at the grocery store or something.

  13. Go myself. This is usually my first preference. I invite someone only if I feel like it, it’s cheaper that way, or if it can’t be done solo.

  14. I started going to movies alone when I was about 21. I thought, “yay! Everyone’s outgrown the high school mentality where they think you’re wierd if you go out alone. I no longer have to wait for someone to be free. I no longer have to find someone who wants to go to the same movie. I can go to whatever movie I want and NO ONE WILL GIVE A SHIT.”

    I recently met a guy in his late 20s who mentioned, “there’s a major social stigma around going to the movies alone.” I thought, “…we STILL think like that at our age?”

    Granted, I suspect people who aren’t that into movies would be hesitant to go to one alone.

  15. Go for a walk, buy some ice cream and smoke a joint. Then go home, order something fun and watch a movie and fall asleep.

    Sometimes I hope no one is available so I can do this 😉

  16. Masterbate to relive the urge to do something exciting, then get snacks and drinks an binge something on Netflix.

    Live my best life obviously

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