I just wanted to go around making people’s day, obviously no malicious intent. I compliment hair, shoes and shirts. He has always been negative and cynic (and political, which in my opinion has no place in normal friendships) and made some passive aggressive comments in the past. No, he’s not sad, or depressed, but I have been wondering if this possibly means that something has (or hasn’t) happened in his life, which makes him think this way?

TL;DR Friend always negative, even when I’m just complimenting people

  1. Instead of speculation from strangers as to what his motivation is, how about asking him?

    The next time he puts you down for making a compliment, ask him ‘what makes you say that?’ or words to that effect.

  2. I had someone like this in my life. Does it really matter why he’s like that more than it matters that he thinks you’re the type of person to mock people? If he has such a shit opinion of you why is he hanging out with you?

  3. Why does it matter why he’s a sad git? Keep being you, more people need to hear random nice things

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