Especially in the early phases of getting to know someone or even if you’re just meeting them for the first time

  1. For me it’s gauging whether or not I feel comfortable and it’s the opposite of subtle. It’s simple; if you feel comfortable and they seem to feel comfortable around you, it’s a fit. If either side doesn’t, it isn’t.

  2. I like to think about gut feeling ofc but also breakdown the conversation. Are you the only one adding to it? Are they only talking about themselves and not being curious about your perspectives and thoughts? Takes two to tango

  3. if they insult you, they’re not a good person. if they laugh at their lain, they’re not a good person. if they gossip to you about a close friend of theirs, they’re not a good friend to have. if they insult other people for how they look/dress. they’re not a good friend.

  4. If they smile a lot: they wanna choke you
    If they dont make eye contact: they wanna choke you
    They blink fast: they wanna choke you
    They talk a lot: they wanna choke you

  5. If you are just getting to know them then odds are you are out somewhere social. So I am always keen to observe how they treat waiters, bartenders, baristas, etc. If they are undeservingly rude to these people then I don’t want them as a friend. The other sign is when you are talking how even is the conversation, meaning if you find yourself doing all the listening about all the experiences this other person has and in the two minutes you get to talk they are checking their phone, well thats not gonna be a good friend.

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