So guys i’m writing this post because I’m a little confused on what to do, i need some advices.
So I started feeling my girlfriend a bit too cold during sex, she never starts it and i can feel her low sexual desire in everything she does even in the kisses.
We talked about it and it seems that this is caused by some psychological issues and basically she can’t do much about it because she can’t afford a psychotherapist.
She said that her past relationship ended cause of this.
I really want to save this relationship but i don’t know what to do. I need her to start enjoying the sexual part.
I’d like to hear your experiences and your advices.

1 comment
  1. Be there for her and comfort her, if she isn’t feeling sex then don’t push sex onto her. Let her understand that you love her for more than sex but you still have sexual desires towards her so she can understand your side of the situation. She likely just needs time and care from you, so be there for her and talk with her whenever she wants to talk. Ask about her day, ask about her emotions, ask anything to make her feel special and interesting, but ensure she knows that if she doesn’t want to talk she can say that and you won’t push more questions onto her.

    It’s not an easy thing to navigate around, if you feel like it’s taking more effort from you than it’s worth then you need to evaluate if it’s worthwhile for your own mental health to stay with her. Otherwise, just be a good partner and wait.

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