What’s too late to learn at 20s-30s?

  1. To learn? I mean, 20 and 30s is too late to get into a lot of things if you want to be competitive, but if you’re not worried about being the best in the world, there’s not much you can’t still try. 30s might be a little late for parkour I guess. That’s really hard on your body, especially when you’re learning.

  2. I think men learn a bunch in their 20-30’s right on time. That is the window when young people go from an arrogant little shits who knows everything to functioning adults.

    So I say that nothing is too late inside that window.

    You can’t become old and wise if you weren’t young and dumb at some point. We learn from our mistakes. That’s what makes us better.

  3. Integrity, Ethics. Persistance. If a person hasn’t figured those out by the age of “15, they never will.

  4. The true story behind Santa. Although even if your parents didn’t tell you at some point probably you would have figured it out yourself by this age.

  5. Nothing really. I learned how to shoot a bow and got my gun licence in my early 30s

  6. How not to be a total immovable dickhead. The amount of people who are so stubborn in their ideals even when proven wrong is staggering and disappointing.

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