Im a 25 old male living in an eastern country. I met my perfect match in late 2020 and we’ve been together for almost 2 years now. (i think we wouldn’t be celebrating our 2nd anniversary). she is a Christian and i knew that from the start of our relationship. me, im not a religious person. but we decided to accept us for who we are and started dating. after a solid year of being together, we decided to introduce ourselves to parents. it went well. both our families gave us their blessings and we were off to a pretty healthy relationship.
Everything started to go downhill 3 months back. remember i said she was a Christian? yea thats the main reason for things to go downhill. let me remind you all that eventho she was a Christian we had a really great relationship (both love and sex). and i never even asked her to not to go to church or anything. but suddenly, she came to me and said she needs to end the relationship.
My whole life flashed in front of me. I loved her with all my heart and when i say i loved her, what i mean is i loved her like how a husband would treat his wife. and she didn’t treat me any lesser either. but her reason is, that she have this newfound love for god and she wants to spend a religious life. that means, including no sex before marriage. no inappropriate touching below the waist even.
So at this point. i was really shocked about how she is even telling me all this after all this time almost 2 years of being happily together.

After this, I begged her not to leave me. I started going to church and tried my best to understand if she has a point. because honestly, the no sex before marriage sounds like a lot of bullshit to me. we were happy together. i really don’t know what changed her mind and im pretty sure there’s no other guy involved. this almost feels like she changed her mind overnight. just to leave me.

Bottom line is, i really do love her and i want her back. its not easy for me to move on from her. she was my whole world. and she still is. i tried explaining her million times but she just doesn’t wanna listen. she tells me that she will never change her mind about the things. Am i a fool for still wanting her, waiting on her and holding onto our memories?

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