A little bit of background. I grew up in a religious household where masturbation and sex was frowned upon. I grew up as a goody good. I’ve never “explored my own body” and have no idea where to begin. I need serious help with trying to figure out how to orgasm, as my husband and I are getting frustrated. My libido has plummeted since being on a hormonal birth control, and I’m looking to get off of that soon to see if it helps and I’m going to start taking supplements for libido as well.

I think it’s best for me to figure out how to orgasm first on my own and then I can teach my husband how to make me orgasm. So what are some options for me because I know nothing. (I’m very ticklish and I think that may play a factor into it as well.) I’m not looking to watch porn, so if you have any other suggestions it would be great to hear them.

I do have some vibrators but don’t really know how to use them.

  1. So use erotic literature, and get a large and a small dildo into addition to the vibrators.

    And explore….the key is consistency. Masturbate often and there’s no right way to do it. Don’t put pressure on yourself and have fun. Start with light stimulation and keep in mind what and where feels good and work towards it.

    I believe that orgasming and pleasure is a skill and you develop it over time.

    I think being ticklish makes it easier to orgasm IMO.

    It took me 4 years to orgasm vaginally, and 6 more years to squirt. Now my orgasms come super easily

  2. Okey… find a part of you that tingles in a good way when you touch it, continue to touch yourself there while you explore your body with your other hand. If you find a second spot that feels good try different ways to stimulate the area(pinch, stroke,rub etc). If you start to feel a rising sensation continue. If nothing happens move the hand that feels the least good to a different area.
    Don’t limit your self to traditional erotic zones, go all over.
    Then repeat the process until you find your spots.
    After that you can give it a go with outside stimulant like porn or toys. Atmospheric music might help as well.

    I hope this is to some help.

  3. My first orgasm was only a couple of months ago and I think that my biggest issue was the fact that I wasn’t able to relax. I was always listening to make sure my mom was not comming upstairs.

    I also had no idea what I was doing. I tried to find out where my clit was by reading wikipedia.

    One night, I was stroking my clit because I couldn’t sleep. I was tired af. The orgasm took me by surprise, because I wasn’t paying atention.

    My advice is to forget about the fact that you need to orgasm and to enjoy whatever feels good. Especialy for your first time, I think it would have the most chances of succes.

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