So I was doing pull ups the other day at the gym. A girl walks up to me and asks if I can record her to see how her goblet squat form looks. I do her the favor and introduce myself and tell her to let me know if she needs a camera guy to help again. I see her a few days later again and she asks me to record her triceps extension and at this point we talk a little more and she tells me about where she’s from and whatnot. Not too long of a convo just a few minutes. Days later again I pretend to ignore her cuz honestly I don’t like conversing at the gym it’s my own me time. But eventually she just walks up to me on the squat rack and asks if I’ll be done soon. Well I actually was on my last set and told her she could take the rack after me. She watched me do my last set and as I’m taking off the weight to clear the bar for her she asks if I could spot her on squats so, stupidly, I spot her for her 4 complete sets. We talked between her sets and we had conversations and overall she just seemed like an extroverted woman interested in meeting other people.

Is it possible she was flirting or hitting on me? Or simply just being nice? She brought up “texting” and how other guys “annoy her” when she gives out her number. Mind you I did not mention anything at all about talking on the phone or anything related so that caught me off guard. Was she expecting me to ask for her number? This stuff has never happened to me. I dress so ugly at the gym in my several years old t shirts and work shorts. so I find it hard to believe someone would hit on me. Am I dumb?

  1. look, no woman would want a guy they aren’t attracted to go help them recording doing squats. she trusts you at the very least.

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