So there is a guy i know from last year of college ..he kept saying we’re like soulmates we had a good chemistry…then he went to army for one year and barely texted me (though he would meet his friends in his days off( ..after coming he sent a message saying he wanted to hangout ( with the group we used to -all of them are girls-) then it didnt work as they were busy

I deactivated my account for 6 month and when i came back he texted me right after to hangout and i said i was busy that month lets see next month .

The third time it didnt work and he finaly said we can hangout by our own (not within the group ) as it was difficult to pick a day and i said ok i am free but he didnt follow through (this caused me a headach as he sent me a voice note saying he misses me and he want to see me even if iam busy )

After 2 month he sent me a birthday wish and he was the first one to text me then a day after he text me to hangout but i was busy so i told me i would be free next month and i would reach form him by then

The next month i did as i said and asked him when ? And he asked if i finished what i was working on and i said my work never finish he then didnt reply and he was active on facebook stories he even hanged out with our group of friends ( this before i sent him the last message ) why he didn’t invite me with them

Now its a year since he asked me out (3-4 times this year but never follow through)

Is he playing hot and cold with me as he keeps sending sweet message like i miss u , i miss ur voice ..and comments on my photo like you are so pretty

Why he is doing so ? iam very angry and i deactivated my account as i though he restricted me as i cant see his online status as usual ..

*he is alittle shy and he is surgical resident so he is busy i know but he can find time for his other friends why not me

  1. If anyone pulls an I love you, soulmates, or anything like that before you are even dating, they are a massive red flag.

    You should stop talking to him and block him on everything.

  2. So it sounds like a case of conflicting schedules.

    When you say he is in the army. That could mean so many different things. Is he Airborne infantry, Special Forces, or worse an officer on command and staff? Those soldiers must maintain recall status that varies. Many must submit a pass just to go beyond 50 miles.

    A lot of times soldiers are unable to tell you what they are doing if there job is anything cool or essential to operations.

    As for not being able to hang out or see each other?
    We live in the age of technology. What is limiting you really?

    While he is showing interest. That interest is being interrupted by professions from the way it sounds.

    The real question is what are you willing to do to set up in a successful reunion?
    I will tell you this. Sacrifices will have to be made. By you or them. When careers clash like this it can be disheartening and sucks the life out of romance.

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