Saw someone post this in AskWomen about men, so now I’m curious about you guys. Like, a quirk or pet peeve.

  1. Put stuff down whenever she’s done with it and later bitches she can’t find it

  2. Creates weird food items after watching cookery shows. Tastes horrible but have to eat without complaining.

  3. Moves my shit when cleaning to a completely different spot and doesn’t tell me

  4. Doesnt answer when I ask a question… Like “no comment”. And she knows that I hate it.

  5. Drops her pantys and tells me its time to practice making babys.

    Works every time 100% of the time.

  6. Unlimited need for closeness and attention. If she could have her own way she would be glued to my side. it’s like she’s addicted to me, which have joked about and she has agreed.

    I know it’s kinda my fault too as I’m complete opposite and need inhuman amount of space and alone/my time.

  7. I have a long list, but here’s one. She puts the fresh trash bag in the trash can wrong. I’m ready to die on this hill, and I’ll bet a lot of other people do it wrong too. She takes a bag off the role, unfolds its, and then drops the bottom end in can and loops it around the edge. Doing it this way leaves the can filled with air, ensuring the garbage always sits at the top of the can due to the air pressure at the bottom. THE CORRECT WAY… is to open the bag fully, give it a flick or two so it fills with air, push the bag all the way to the bottom of the can so the bag is completely flat, pull the open end of the bag up while dragging it along the walls of the can, and put it around the edge. This keeps the bag fully open inside the can as there will be very little air there. You can now throw your garbage in the can, assured that it will hit bottom as opposed to sitting at the top on an air bubble.

  8. She won’t putt my clothes away after she washes, dries, and folds them. What a bitch.

  9. We have one of those flip lid bins. When she outs something in it and the lid doesn’t flip back automatically she won’t close it manually. She’ll let it sit there open, letting the bad smell permeate throughout our flat, but she won’t close it “because it’s dirty”.

    For the record I clean it every two days and it’s never as dirty as she ales it seem.

  10. She doesn’t live with me but she likes to use her own soap in the master bathroom when i prefer to have all the soaps the same. She puts dishes in the half sink to dry…i have a dishwasher.

  11. You know how I guess women sometimes have more color receptors in their eyes than men? So like, if a guy sees something and calls it ‘blue’, for a woman she sees it as one of 17 sub-shades of blue?

    I guess my wife has that with laundry, because in our room we’ve got two spaces I think clothes belong – the dresser, for ‘Clean’ and the hamper, for ‘Dirty’.

    So that works pretty good for me with my basic ‘clean or dirty’ view of life, but she’s got this third location for clothes that are in like another quantum realm of maybe?

    And that spot is just to the right of the Hamper. Where you might think, when doing some laundry, ‘hey, this just didn’t quite make it to the hamper, I’ll wash it’. Which would be *wrong* and *terrible* and *what did you do with my pajamas I need them aaaaahhh*.

  12. She used to turn up the heating in the bathroom, bathe, open the window, then go to work and leave the heating on and the window open all day (our windows can be “tilted” inwards so it’s open by a small crack at the top; standard in our country, but apparently mostly unkown elsewhere).

    But she eventually stopped doing that, I just had to ask her about 435 times.

  13. My wife almost never rinses her dishes. So her lunch stuff sits all day and sometimes overnight in her lunchbox and I get stuck dealing with it.

  14. Falls asleep when we’re watching a show, then makes me rewind to watch again what she missed

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