Hey lovely,

Thank you for reading my post first and foremost this is kinda of a complicated situation but I’ve the social skills of a kindergarten and I’m not kidding when I say I never had a friendship last more than 2 years or so.

As a result I’m mostly a loner now and I recognise the importance of working on my social skills.

Although I’ve no clue how to start, I never seem to be able to know how to hold deeper conversations, I miss or can’t identify social clues and bringing the friendship online via texting just complicates things because it’s hard to know what to ask without seeming nosy and intrusive yet still signalling my interest in this friendship. Also people hardly seem interested to get to know me which is probably a me thing but I’m not sure how to develop a personality or offer people qualities such that they would like to stay and develop a friendship with me.

Perhaps my expectations with regards
to friendships seem unrealistic at times where I expect a friendship to develop overnight? I’ve tried to reason with myself it takes time but it never seems like I’m enough of a person to form permanent bonds with others. I do say witty things now and then I wouldn’t say I’m someone with a strong personality or heavily opinionated but I would say I’ve values I hold onto and I try as best to be nice polite and diplomatic with everyone I meet. I do try to put in effort to remember details in peoples lives and stuff like that….

Ah yes just to mention i was professionally diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type.

Any advice would help with regards to skilling up my toddler level social skills.

Thank you so much if you need anymore information feel free to ask in the comments I’ll try my best to answer honestly and accurately. I’m open to any advice and you can be as straightforward and real with me as you like.

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