Half-way through 2022, I’ve had a testing time. My mother has been suffering from mental health issues due to a built-up childhood trauma stemming back 50 years nearly; I’ve been involved in a three year feud that shows little sign of calming down and been harassed by the main instigators friend and got a serious appointment to attend which was the last thing I needed. I live back and forth between my home, my mother’s (looking after my brother) and my sisters – plus it’s just been a bit mad. Very trying.

Personal circumstances aside, I’ve had a bit of clearout on a lot of things. Built up clutter in my flat I managed to get rid of such as furniture that has seen better days / in good nick but I don’t need. CDs that are either rubbish albums in a favourite act’s discography or rarely listened to. I got rid of 90% of my DVD collection too and keeping either childhood programmes (Keeping Up Appearances) and programmes that are rare in a box. Clothes that don’t fit me since I’ve lost weight as well.

As well as material goods; I’ve had an emotional clearout. I limit myself to three close friends as well as my late ex’s brother whom I have a close bond with. I’ve lost a lot of so-called “friends” due to this petty feud, and there are a few whom are nothing but very casual acquaintances. None of them would care if I left the UK tomorrow. Obviously I’m in touch with my family constantly and have a close bond with both parents (whom are divorced) and my siblings plus nephews and nieces. I’ve stopped using Facebook, and just limited my mobile by using apps I use such as travel apps, Reddit, email and banking / music.

It feels liberating, and I’m 100% looking forward to seeing one of my friends who’s staying with me in a couple of weekends time. Due to Covid, we’ve not seen each other for three years. I just can’t wait. Yes some problems are carrying on, but without the dead-weight dragging you down. It’s easy for us to be jealous of others because they’re partnered or have a huge social life, but what’s the real story? Life is too short.

Anyone else done this form of clearout?

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