I’ve noticed that in group conversations (usually like 3 or more people), people tend to sometimes speak over me

At first I assumed it was because I was rambling on too much, but then i realized it was a bit of a pattern where people would try to speak over me like 4-5 words in

Or, similarly, if I’m talking one-on-one with a friend, some guy would come in and interrupt me and change the topic to something that’s not really that urgent (i.e once it was “man it’s sunny out”)

Here are some observations I’ve made on my own:

* It happens mostly with people I know don’t like me. It’s usually not people I just met unless they clearly have a problem with me (some people just be like that)

* If I try to speak over someone who interrupts me, they get a little antsy/pissed (I’m not really surprised)

* People don’t really go back to what I was previously talking about before being spoken over. They sorta just go with the flow. Maybe this is a sign it’s a problem with how I present myself

Main point tho is that I’m looking for someone with experience with this, someone who knows how to deal with this shit. I’m heading to college in the fall and I really want to step up my social game

  1. I had a similar issue a few years back. I can’t speak for your situation and if this would help, but I started acting a lot more confident, and the way i started speaking gave off the impression that i had something to say.
    Why are you hanging around people who don’t like you? Of course they are gonna interrupt you as the less they hear you speak the better for them.
    If your having a one on one convo and someone interrupts you, nicely but firmly say that you were in the middle of a conversation and just to hold on a second.

    One more thing i’ve noticed with my personal experience with this: Being interrupted is a lack of respect, so if close friends are interrupting you, either they don’t respect you or they don’t think you have anything important to say, which is also disrespectful. So hold your head up high and with confidence! You got this OP!

  2. i have this problem at work and social settings and i’ve found it better to just keep speaking. like the previous commenter said, they either don’t respect you or what you may have to say. those are not friends. i’ve found that if i absolutely can’t avoid these people then not allowing them to feel like they’ve cut me off works best. i do not let myself get cut off or feel inferior to them since they showed they do not respect me, i work extra hard to show that i respect myself, and then i never talk to them again lol.

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