I think I contracted HPV from my long term partner. We have been together for over a year. I just noticed cauliflower like patch near my vaginal opening and after research i believe it is HPV. I have an appointment to get it looked at Monday but I am dying thinking about how this happened. Wouldn’t I have contracted this from my partner a year ago when we became sexually active? does this mean he slept with somebody else? Please help me out, i’m so distraught. thank you.

  1. It can be transmitted by oral and kissing as well, and unfortunately can’t be diagnosed without a visible outbreak. Did you have a pap within the last year? If it was normal then I’m going with yes.

  2. Unless you were a virgin when you met him you could have been infected by a previous partner. Likewise he could have been infected before he met you. You can have it for many years and never know. Hopefully this will turn out to be nothing or one of the low risk kinds. Do get vaccinated if you aren’t already.

  3. I think the effects of hpv can take years to develop (especially things like cancer). Only some strains lead to warts or cancer and most kinds of hpv get shut down by your immune system within 2 years or less. Also, just because you have warts doesnt mean that the hpv will cause cancer later in life

  4. So sorry you’re having to go through this, but you’re doing the right thing going to the doctor. HPV is a very very common thing, and most people don’t know they have it at all. Unless both you and your partner were virgins*** before you became sexually active together, it is likely one or both of you already had HPV before your lesion appeared.


    ***HPV is easily spread from sexual skin-to-skin contact with someone who has it. You get it when your vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, or anus touches someone else’s genitals or mouth and throat — usually during sex. HPV can be spread even if no one cums, and even if a penis doesn’t go inside the vagina/anus/mouth. (Per Planned Parenthood)

  5. HPV infection in those 25 and younger is considered normal. Also no symptoms and if the body’s immune system does not rid itself, infection stays and then you get it.

    NOT a sign of cheating unless expecting monogamy and knowing you didn’t have it before.

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