So me (21F) and this guy (22m) dated for a few weeks during the month of April. We broke up a month and a half ago due to a big argument about my lateness habit and miscommunication between us. Weeks after the argument, we started talking again and he said that for the moment we should just be friends. I agreed with that, and well about two weeks ago we were having daily phone calls where he was calling me “babe” among other things. We were going to see each other that weekend, but ultimately did not see each other because he got mad about me flaking (I had a genuine excuse). However, he said that we had planned it for a week and that I don’t change. I tried fixing it with him and brought up the topic about getting back together, to which he said that he doesn’t want me to think wrong and that we’re just friends.

That same night, I went out for a few drinks with my guy friend. My ex clearly got jealous about it. I asked him why he’s acting like this, and he responded “You literally went out with another guy last night and you’re asking why I’m being like this?🤦🏻‍♂️”. It was obvious he felt jealous and some type of way about it because then the phone calls stopped and he didn’t really talk much to me since then. This happened 2 weeks ago, the last time we talked was a few days ago on saturday when I asked him to hang out. He told me that I’m never on time and that I’m a flake.

I responded by saying “Can you forgive me? I’m really trying to improve and work on myself”. He completely decided to ignore this text, and it’s been a few days already. However, since my instagram page is public, I keep seeing his username pop up whenever I post a story. Therefore, he’s not answering my text, but yet he’s taking the time to search me up and watch my stories, despite not even following me. Why could this be? Should I text him again to have a clear serious conversation?

Tl;dr: my ex didn’t answer my last text where I’m asking him to forgive me for my lateness habit, but yet he keeps watching my Insta stories even though he doesn’t even follow me on Ig

  1. You are making yourself crazy trying to figure out if he still likes you, change things about yourself to win him back and then let your hopes get dashed when he says something negative. Take a no contact break from him for awhile, focus on doing things you enjoy, spending time with friends focusing on hobbies, career, academics, volunteer work, anything but romantic relationships. When you find yourself again, youll find yourself less anxious about molding yourself to please him.

  2. He’s emotionally unavailable. He’s established the fact that the two of you are just friends in his eyes. If I were you, I’d stop wasting my time worrying about what this guy thinks. In fact, I’d probably just block him and move on. He’s just playing games and wasting your time.

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