A couple weeks ago I was having lunch at a restaurant with a friend. I noticed there was a cute girl staring at me and we made eye contact for a second and then she turned to her friends who all looked at me smiling. I got kinda nervous and smiled back and then just continued talking with my friend. Throughout our meal I looked over periodically when I felt the girl was looking again and we made eye contact multiple times and smiled at each other. My chest was pounding with anxiety by the end and we got the check and left.

I was so nervous even though she was clearly attracted to me. I felt at a loss for words so I didn’t engage even though I wanted to. Should I have walked up to her table in the middle of the restaurant and introduce myself that way? What would I say?

Anyway what would be the best way to approach and handle a situation like this if one is to encounter it again in the future?

  1. Write your number on a piece of paper and give it to her, this way u leave it up to her if she wants to sext u up

  2. You should’ve approached her. But I understand that it was a difficult thing to do. Anyway, my advice is to not worry so much about saying the right thing when approaching her, because that will lead to paralysis and a lack of spontaneity. Instead, what you want to do is approach her and say something simple. You could note something about the environment you’re in or make an observation about her. “I noticed you have a cute smile and it made me curious to get to know you a bit.” Something innocent and slightly flirtatious could work.
    Anyway, it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous. I would feel that way too, but try to approach anyway, because you never know what could happen. But if you don’t take this chance you already know you will end up with regrets. Good luck!

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