Hi everyone, I would love to hear your thougts and advice about my situation.

I met my friend (26F) online last year. We live in distant towns in the same country (about 8 hours in travel time). After texting each other daily for a couple of months we decided to meet in person and so we did. I went to her town for a week, as she offered to show me around, and we really had a nice time together. After getting to know each other in person and discovered that we enjoy our time with each other, we decided to meet again as often as possible. We’ve done several short trips (2 or 3 days long) after that, and we’re meeting again next week.

All my previous relationships were with girls that lived very close to me: we had contact almost every day, so that “confession moment” was never planned or overthinked, the moment just came and it worked… but this time it’s different. As we are only seeing each other every couple of months the chances of that perfect moment happening are much lower, so I feel that I need to force it a little, but I don’t really know how to do it. Also I’m a shy guy, so I have this akward feeling, when thinking about all this, that doesn’t make me feel very confident.

To say a little about our current relationship… it’s weird (at least for me). We are still texting each other every day: we speak about how our days are going, we share our troubles and support or cheer each other when needed… or we just joke around and share memes. We’ve traveled together but it was always the two of us. We never get bored though and we laugh a lot when we are together (but never got intimate). Next week I’ll meet her in a different town that we both want to visit, and after that we are going to expend some days in her town. Also this is the first time that she wants to introduce me to her friend group. I’m looking forward meeting them but I’m a little worried that she’s doing it beacuse she sees me just like another friend.

What do you guys think I should do? I feel like telling her how I really feel (I love her, I spend my days thinking in her, doesn’t matter what I’m doing, there’s always something that makes me think about her). But I’m scared of the outcome: I could handle a rejection, but I don’t want to lose her as a friend if that happens. Also, when do you think it’s de best moment to do it? We are going to be together for the hole week, do you think I should do it the very first day, or just before leaving? Or it doesn’t really matter?

Thank you for reading!

TD,DR: I (29M) love my friend (26F). We live far away from each other but we manage to meet as often as possible. We are meeting again next week and I want to confess my feelings, but don’t want to lose her in case of rejection.

1 comment
  1. Well you gotta always prepare for a rejection. However, I think for your sake just keep the confession short. Just tell her that you enjoy spending time with her and that you like her. Im assuming you guys never hooked up before so lean in for a kiss and if she reacts back thats your andwrr

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