How many of you sing after sneezing? Like you just let off a few notes after the achooo.

  1. First i scream”””….haaa….haaaaa…WHAAA” then my sneeze comes up. “BHWAAAAATSJEEEEEEEEZ” then my screaming singing comes. “BHWATSJEEZ In THE AIR TO toniiight” and i do a stupid dance

    After that i remember i should stop doing that because now my back hurts like hell and my throat is sore.

  2. No, I do like to play with my sneezes though. I’ll do the smallest loud pitch sneeze I can do, then do it as loud as I possibly can. Lately I’ve been trying to sneeze like a dog, but thats really hard to do.

  3. I inherited my grandfather’s nose apparently. I have sneezed like a shotgun forever, there’s not singing it off for me.

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